INFNE is recruiting. Hi-sec industry. Newplayer friendly

Welcome to Infinite Nebulas.

Are you new to the game but don’t want to join a big corp because they have everything established?

Then look no further. A new corp = new experiences.
Take part in saying “I helped build that Fortizar” or “I built that ship”

What can we offer?

  • Fleet mining boosts and comp so you can make isk :slight_smile:
  • Access to a range of BPC’s to kick start you indy career.
  • LGBTQIA+ friendly.
  • Ore buyback.
  • Clear corp goals to work towards so you wont get bored.
  • A fun corp to be a part of.
  • Incentives like free isk while mining and extra isk for killing npcs
  • An always improving corp that will help and listen

What we are in the process of:

  • Buildings our first structure. Come and help out.
  • Growing our numbers, so the corp is active at different times of the day so you wont be alone
  • Finding ways to make the corp more fun and challenging but also interesting.

We tell you exactly what we are doing so you know what’s going on :slight_smile:
No question is stupid. If you would like to join, apply today or to immediately get to know more message me on disocrd: supernova1622 or message me ingame: Supernova Morgz :slight_smile:

Fly safe o7 Infinite Nebulas

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