Inform players about ganking

Hello there is a lot of ganking going on and i would like to suggest a pop up when you undock in high sec if your ship has fitting or cargo worth more than 100M ISK that warns about ganking.

The color representing high sec systems should also be turned into yellow regardless of their security status to more accurately reflect the situation? Have a nice day.

there are third party apps for that and intels

Im not sure about that


So every time the mission runner gets an annoying pop-up message when they take their battlecruiser or battleship for a spin?

I’m sure they will enjoy the extra-click.

It is not uncommon for ships with fits with a value below 100M to get ganked, so maybe the warning should show every time you undock. If people dont like the warning they can disable it?

I think the game just needs to emphasize the risk of ganking and the ways to avoid it more than a popup that gets in your face every time you try to undock

What do you mean by ‘a lot’, Dchill? Be honest; don’t you really believe that, under the current mechanic, any amount of ganking is…too much?

I’m not going to ask you to prove your claim, for I believe it to be an impression you’ve gained as a consequence of your extreme sensitivity to the issue. A subjective wobble rather than an objectively derived opinion, then.

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Disagree. Consent to possibly be ganked or engaged in pvp is when you undock. No warnings


Its not consent if the person wasnt’t informed/warned first


I haven’t checked everywhere but there are some rules/tips listed in the forums on the steam side of things which cover this. I’ll repost them here.


Be able to afford a loss

  • Never fly something (or with something in the cargo) you can’t afford to lose. Yes, not even in highsec. Meaning that you should not fly a ship you cannot afford to replace and refit.

Consent to PvP

  • You consent to PvP when you click “undock”.

  • You are not safe in 1.0 security space. CONCORD is there to punish, not to protect. Get used to the idea.

  • In most cases, the only way to be 100% safe from agression inside the game is to be docked in a station. Being cloaked in a secret safespot could work too.

Everyone can scam - and so can you

  • Never grant corporation rights to stuff you can’t afford to lose either. No exceptions.

  • People offering free stuff? Probably traps. Be cautious.

  • Free stuff usually isn’t. Not even minerals you mine yourself.

  • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Paranoia pays off here. Double-check everything.

  • Scamming and unethical behavior some would consider griefing is not only allowed, it is encouraged and rewarded by the game mechanics.

  • Harrasment or real-life threats are not ok, and you can get a shiny ban for them. Learn the difference.

Experience matters, not ISK or Skills

  • Just because some character is just a few minutes old doesn’t mean he’s a newbie. Many people have alts. The reverse is also possible, people come back after very long breaks, and characters are sold. You could see year-old newbies around too.

  • Skills that take less than 1 day to train are short skills. Over one week is long.

  • You’re in this game for the long haul. Don’t expect to do something meaningful in the grand scheme of things in the first day of your first trial account ever.

  • All other things being equal (experience, skills), superior numbers more often win a fight rather than superior ship value. However, things are hardly ever equal.

  • Total skillpoints count doesn’t matter much either, it’s level of relevant skills to the current situation that does. Yes, that does mean a 2 mil SP combat-oriented newbie could badly beat up a 60 mil SP industry-oriented veteran.

Bigger is not always better

  • More expensive stuff is not always better stuff.

  • Slightly better stuff usually costs many times more than slightly worse stuff. Choose wisely.

  • Tech-2 is usually cheaper and better, but harder to fit. Sometimes it’s not better. Other times it’s not cheaper. And occasionally, neither cheaper nor better.

  • There are no “solopwnmobiles” in EVE. Everything you can fly blows up if it’s shot hard enough.

  • With enough skills and experience, ship size really doesn’t matter all that much.

Use the in-game info

  • Show Info and Variants->Compare are your best friends. Use it on all stuff you can.

  • Always check your ship insurance before you undock. If it’s a T2 ship however… not that important.

Unfair circumstances?

  • There is no such thing as “a fair fight” or “an unfair fight”. There’s only a fight. Circumstances are irrelevant.

  • Just because you can fly something doesn’t mean you should.

You will lose stuff, don’t worry!

  • If you PvP long enough, you will lose your ship. It’s only a matter of where and when.

  • If you logoff in space without a PvP timer, you’re only safe after 2 minutes… and then only until you log back in. If you logoff with a PvP timer, it’s at least 15 minutes. Bottom line, once a fight started, don’t logoff. You’ll only die anyway.

  • Somebody, somewhere has better skills than you, more experience than you, is smarter than you, has more friends than you and can stay online longer than you. Just pray he’s not out to get you.

  • If you lose stuff, it’s almost always your fault. Really, only yours.

Taken from EVE University’s Wikipedia[]


Its not consent if the person isnt informed/warned first

You are informed in the tutorial agent missions.

Not bad i guess, do you have a screenshot of the warning by any chance?

Repetition does not make your argument valid


It does not make it invalid either


But if you ignore that, do no research, and don’t understand that EvE is Everyone vs. Everyone ALL THE TIME, that’s player error. Even the market is competitive.

(New) players deserve to be properly warned about gankers

There’s if anything, AN EXCESS of warnings.

Whether or not that is the case, ganking is perhaps the most important thing to properly warn players about

Okay. That’s done. You can stop spamming. That’s all these are, and GRRR GANKERS was done to death before 2010.

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