Innovative Explosive Solutions is a new pvp oriented wormhole corporation.
We operate primarily out of our C4 wormhole Our hole is a c4 with c2 and c4 statics.
Giving us a reasonably easy route to k space when needed as well as relatively easy access to the c5 highway for pvp.
The ability to fly a cloaky scanner is a must,
the ability to fly battlecruisers, strategic cruisers, or stealth bombers is a plus.
All members are expected to follow on philosophical principle, that being don’t be useless.
What this means is when you login you think about what you can do to make everyone’s life a little more explosive.
We have a discord for voice coms and out of game chat, we also provide members with a home in C4 space, and the normal tools that come with living in w-space.
Contact: me in game for more information Or join “IES.Pub”