Interdiction Nullify Blockade Runners

What i mean is i think you’re going to understand the difficulties of what you’re asking for when you try to flesh out your concept.


Doing that is illegal. I lost a bomber to can spam and got it reimbursed.

This is 100% legal.
I lost a ship to this and was not reimbursed.

Don’t spread misinformation that could get someone who doesn’t know better banned.

Spamming objects like cans and shuttles in space is bannable.

it’s not disinformation. It’s not bannable.

What’s more you are the only one talking about spamming things.

Nice old style forums bar fight, mates! And with some actual well-reasoned game mechanics info/content.
BTW, to me the ability to use interdiction nullifiers seems to balance it out BR vs. bubba campers situations. The BR has a chance to bolt away, but can still get scrammed, so still no free ride. Never used them, though? What’s their downside?

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Long ago we could launch what was it 15 large drones from a domi? Many people used drone spam at gate camps to cause a jumper to take longer to load the grid. One day I logged on and when I tried to launch my drones to kill some rats I got an unusual popup about not having the bandwidth, I had the best cable money could buy but that wasn’t what they meant. Unusually large amounts of debris that was launched deliberately for the express purpose of creating prolonged black screen when undocking/jumping used to be bannable, not sure now.
I’ve often wondered why nothing was ever done about the disgusting number of mobile depots around docks and gates that create the same effect.
Side question- If a cloaking device is capable of hiding the visual manifestation of a cloaked ship when it comes on grid, why then don’t cloaked ships still emit a boom when they come out of warp?


Yep it’s still bannable. You can’t eject a thousand shuttles from a freighter in Jita and you can’t cover an entire gate in garbage to catch cloakers. You can jettison a few cans but that’s about it.

Dude, for some reason you seem to think I created this thread. Nowhere did I say I have a problem with piloting BR’s and quite frankly, I’m tired of your fail trolling, constantly implying that I do.

Go back and read the thread, I simply agreed with the OP and said it makes sense for Blockade Runners to be Interdiction Nullified since they’re intended to be a Smuggler’s Ship.


You dont even need a spamming domi from ye olde past, any ship that can carry 25+ drones in its cargo bay can still do it easily enough, and the more ships that can do it the quicker.

I have no idea if they made it illegal, but Ive see the remains of Drone Spheres recently.

Deploying it in a group was like being minelayers. Gosh I wish we had mines.

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I think that mines are still in the DB, but are unusable because the server (circa 2004) kept falling over when they were deployed.

ED has mines from what I’ve read, if they can do it…

EDs mines are non persistant concussion mines mostly, not bad for disuading pursuit or using as adhoc planetary bombs but sadly not a grenade in a can, like Ive wanted in EvE for 10 years.

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Booby trapped cans, I like this, much fun to be had in many forms.

There again I’ve long wished for something that appears in the tutorial but nowhere else, a shipped rigged to explode on impact.

Fireships eh.

Yeah I could get onboard with that, though obvs not onboard it.

Sounds like a perfect place to say

Make Mining Lasers able to selectively target and damage modules

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I have a couple hundred mines on one of my alts.
Used to add one to the occasional contract I set up.

Your problem is that you jump into an argument. Then when you get called out you change what you’re saying.

If you want to go back to your original post then sure. But my reply is still:

Smuggling isn’t just warp>cloak>Jump>warp>cloak…

It’s more of an art than you want it to be.

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You just run the camp. It is not hard in a covops.

I didn’t jump into an argument, you purposely started an argument with me just because I said it makes sense for Blockade Runners to be Interdiction Nullified.

You just kept twisting whatever I said, trying to portray it out of context by implying I said something that I didn’t… and you’re still doing it.

Also you definitely didn’t call me on anything. In fact the only thing you’ve proved here is that you don’t like the idea of not being able to easily destroy everything with the push of a single button.

In the same way you’ve proved you don’t like that you can’t bypass any gatecamp at the push of a button…

Because ‘smuggling’!

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