Do you smuggle Budgies by chance
I’m going to add my two cents to this thread and support the OP’s suggestion, with the proviso that Interceptors lose their bubble immunity.
The reason for this is that while I like the idea of being able to zip past gate-campers in an interceptor that jumps to warp before they can possibly lock and disrupt/scramble me, I also realize that it’s not a tactic that has any real counter. Blockade runners can’t align instantly, which gives the gate-campers enough time to lock and point them before the hauler can get away. Changing which ships can ignore bubbles would cut down on blockade runners’ hauling time but still force people to use alliance and corporation intel more often because they can’t escape gate-camps instantly.
I would actually support this mechanic for use on interceptors, presuming it’s even possible to do within the game engine. I think it fits interceptors far better than their current bubble immunity.
If CCP isn’t willing to ban people for that, then maybe they should make it so any depot or canister that is anchored within a certain distance of a gate is automatically yellow-flagged so players can destroy them without having to worry about being flagged themselves.
Maybe CCP could implement a billboard system where alliances or corporations could put their own billboards up near gates and stations that display ads for their alliance or corp? It would probably cut down of the number of cans and depots being spammed at gates if people were limited to a single billboard per gate, station, or even system.
Mines used to be in the game back when it launched and can fetch large prices in contracts now, but in addition to crashing the server they apparently just weren’t very useful.
There apparently there used to be a type of smartbomb in the game files that could do that; it was called the Hellstorm. It’s been removed from the database, sadly, so I’ve nothing to go on apart from really old posts on the archived forums.
Sure why let people travel at all?
Easy mode or what.
Makes sense. They should be bubble immune but still can be affected by points.
Bubble interdiction is one of the few ways that these are actually vulnerable. Think about it. Their cloaks and reasonably fast alignment times mean that you have to be pretty unlucky to lose a BR to a regular gate camp.
Bubbles only exist in null and WH where the risk is intended to be higher (I know it isn’t always this way in practice, but hopefully that gets fixed).
Nullify a BR, and how exactly are you expecting to catch it? If your answer is “it’s not supposed to be caught”, mine is “everything’s supposed to be caught if it’s not flown right”.
As was already said, BRs have a way around bubble camps. Blops bridges. A T3C, recon, or bomber can easily be used to light a covert cyno to bridge to. The risk to those ships from the related activities is the result of the improved reward of uttlery ignoring a dedicated effort by active players.
Can you please not strawman me? That is not what I meant at all and I think you damn well know it.
Actually, I don’t understand how that’s supposed to work. A gate-camp with one or more ships modified to instantly lock their target should be able to point the blockade runner without issue, especially if they’re spread out enough to keep it from cloaking. Could you give me more details?
Blockade runners can remove their gate cloak whenever they want… they’re ready for it. Which means the process is you initiate your method of evasion (be it cloaky warp, mwd cloak, whatever), and you’re safe unless you have someone close enough to decloak you already - which can happen, but it’s definitely unlikely. If you get lucky, you activate your cloak midway through the tick and you’re gone as of the next click before they’ve even seen you. Sure they’ll pop up briefly on the overview but an attemp to lock will be registered as being attempted against an invalid target.
The instalock tackle has effectively 1 second tops to start locking the target. Statistically speaking, they have half a second on average. (edit: I should clarify that latency absolutely matters. Server ticks will happen whether you’ve received the data from the server or not).
You’re dramatically overstating the probability of anything actually being close enough to interfere with your cloak, and if the camp is actually that big, its existence was probably predictable through map filters/reputation/both, so if you still jumped into, that’s pretty much on you.
The number of gate camps I haven’t been able to evade with a cloak is pretty close to nil. Pick a nice vector perpendicular to the approach line of any ceptors/fast tackle, hit the covops, hit the MWD. You will probably be fine.
Sometimes you won’t be fine, which is working as intended.
Okay, now I understand what you mean. I guess it really would be a bad idea to give blockade runners immunity. Thanks for the explanation.
Two way door. If you dont like it, dont do it.
You know, there was a time nothing could get away from a bubble and only one type of frigate had the covert ops cloak.
And we still managed to get away from bubble camps.
If you are having trouble with this maybe it’s the pilot not the ship?
It’s not escaping the bubble back through the gate you came in. It’s being denied access to the systems you can’t reach beyond the camp. It just makes null safer by eliminating players that won’t go through the hassle of waiting hours or days to get to the systems they chose or spend even more of their time trying to go through WH’s. The worst part of the game is personal logistics. CCP just took something already crappy and added nuts.
TBH if you can’t moonwalk out of most gatecamps in a blockade runner, you’re just terrible.
Are you entitled to access systems beyond gatecamps that other players are actively camping to prevent you from getting through?
Why don’t you just bring some friends and break up the gatecamp and then go through it normally? Why should CCP change something to suit your personal and selfish issues?
They clearly changed it to suit others, why shouldn’t my view point be considered?
And why is playing a game for a very long time based on the mechanics given by the devs considered entitlement? Was it entitlement prior to the changes or just game play then?
Can you explain a bit more about what you mean by this?
Because, quite frankly, it’s trash? lol
I feel the same about your view point as do many others.
What the ■■■■ changes are you even on about?
That the cyno changes are cancer.
Boy, you are so far up your own behind that you don’t even know what thread you’re in right now, lmao. Try to stay on topic, dearie.