Introducing EVE Academy

CCP taking the initiative. Nice!

Now we just need at least 10% of the same functionality the 3rd party apps provide implemented into the actual game.


Eve uni have been assimilated

Can you update the URL for Electus Matari to instead of dotlan?


This site seems really useful. However, in future, instead of a just link in game, could there be a window where this all would be readable without having to switch between windows and such. I know EVE players love having 10 monitors but most likely newbies donā€™t have those. :smiley:


Thatā€™s the dream!

We should hopefully be able to bring in some of these videos into the client in the near-ish future.

Yes, Iā€™ll make a note to update that now.



Will you look at THAT! Thank you @CCP_Aurora and team <3


I read through it and watched a few of the videos. Itā€™s looking useful to new people whereas Eve University was next to useless when I was new.
This site is more basic, seems to be starting at the begining, and actually doesnā€™t cause instant overload.
To be honest Iā€™m impressed, and this is something I could have used when I was new. Eve University (wiki) talked over my head from the get go, thatā€™s not their fault itā€™s reference material mostly, but was not at all helpful for a long time.


@CCP_Aurora, there seems to be some oddness going on with the Academy fittings. Iā€™m talking to a couple of people who are showing the ā€˜Academy Iteronā€™ fit as having only 1 cargohold expander (the empty low slot was a 2nd WCS). But Iā€™m showing 2 expanded cargoholds. These are simultaneous screenshots:

Their community fittings show as not having been updated since April, while mine shows as updated today.


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Well Iā€™ll be damned, if I didnā€™t see it with my own eyes!


I really miss the ā€œBUY PLEX NOWā€ buttonā€¦

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Took a peek expecting to see CCP trying to sell something. Was not disappointed. Although it is right at the bottom of the page. At least itā€™s not immediately ā€œEnter your credit card details hereā€ at the top of the page - though it should be tbh. It would be nice to be able to effectively play the game from scratch without several credit card swipes however. The more EVE becomes pay to win the more you push away the masses who canā€™t afford it.

If I started playing EVE from scratch tomorrow, I wouldnā€™t bother - youā€™re looking at what, Ā£100 just to get started then however much a monthly subscription is? The alternative is a long train by which time Iā€™d just get bored and play another game.

In short: progression is too slow for new players, except for those who buy these rip-off packs.

Did I forget to mention that you promised youā€™d never sell skill points?

Awesome website love the great quality put into it. Canā€™t wait to see what it looks like as time goes on! :slight_smile:

I was mainly happy to see the PvP section, though it needs to include stuff about PvP in highsec which tends to be what new people run into first.

Seems pointless, now that everyone is quitting because of another round of CCPā€™s half-wit changes.

This video is great, very good explanation! Thanks CCP


Have you looked at the site? It outright markets expert systems to people. Aurora confirmed over on reddit that the marketing team has a hand in this. This site isnā€™t designed to help people. Itā€™s designed to monetize them.

Peak player counts are down, community is shrinking. Better fleece the new people.

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Well, this is what PA wants right? They should be happy with it. If thier ego forbids them from accepting and correcting thier mistakes this game will be gone soon. CCP became a mess after PA acquired them.

This website looks like it somehow loaded a version for mobile phones.
Verry uncomfrtable to read, hard to find any specific topic.

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Basically, I think itā€™s good that CCP is bringing out a site like this (again).

Wasnā€™t there a similar page from CCP years ago, a kind of wiki? That was taken offline with reference to the community and the high effort to keep everything up to date. Somehow that doesnā€™t bode well for this new website.
Hopefully CCP will manage to keep everything up to date, especially because itā€™s about beginners and they often get confused quickly when something is no longer correct. That could backfire.

What Iā€™m interested in: Are there plans to make the website available in several languages? If so, which languages are planned?

I think we need a way to get players to take an interest in Eveā€™s current events and news , itā€™s funny how people can shy away from role play when every single one of us is role-playing a space ship captain.

Maybe if CCP could introduce a way to get people interested in the news, events and lore as part of every day gaming then if people get to like that side of Eve you guys are there to take them further.