Which is why your corp uses patsies to run the stations so you can base your corp in an NPC station and totally avoid being dec’d again and again anad again like you were when you had a structure you mean? Those changes?
If its done correctly yes. If they start doing say a super titan with 40k dps in a lootbox then no, that will be quite bad. They’ll balance it out, like they did by releasing plex, or skill injectors.
You completely miss the point. It’s not about what you think, nor is it about what I think. It is about legal definitions - which, of course, vary by country.
I don’t ‘claim’ the studies exist. You can use a search engine as well as I can, if not better I am certain.
I’m not arguing either for or against (although I prefer it did not make the cut) - but facts are what is important in a debate. Opinion has it’s place, but is always superceeded by fact. That’s just life.
is on sisi its like opening a loot box big golden light when you win
It isn’t an assumption at all. Using PLEX to pay for Omega Time genuinely is a thing - did you not know this?
Yes those changes. And you can war dec the structures at anytime, but you can’t wardec willy nilly people anymore, a great change.
It should be pretty easy for you to present the actual quotes for these “legal definitions” then. The ones that clearly show that raffling in-game digital assets like EVE Online’s ships, modules, etc. count.
Ok… I don’t see what this has to do with HyperNet Relay.
In that case I agree, limit the lights and sounds, while it helps to get the person feel good, it can do bad. While I personally have no problem with it, I can give the anti gambling faction that point.
He’s probably gonna equate plex = currency and hence gambling.
You do but you are pretending not to in order to… idk… fail at being a shitty troll? Not sure. Either way, scroll up and/or bugger off.
Which is a really dumb argument to try and make, but I’m not surprised, lmao.
Ha says the triggered person who has no argument other than being angry at me, jealousy or envy?
Please explain how subscribing Omega time with PLEX suddenly means that the Hypernet Relay is in violation of gambling laws. I see them as two different things and you apparently see some connection that you’re refusing to explain.
It isn’t an argument “I’m trying to make” but the legal definition here. Like it or not, it is the law as it stands.
haha agreed
\o/ also did highsex wardecs for a year
dabbed in and out, but being ■■■■ was fun
also tbh most highsec gankers i ran into - time - were actually impressed we came out
it was legit fun
For those interested, the protests in Jita have begun at the 4-4 monument.
I would like to see this as well, provided such an argument can be made.
Laws can be interpreted. I may have a completely different opinion on what the law means than you do.