Invasion Chapter 3 update from Team Event Horizon

I’ve held off on getting involved because I don’t have enough lore information regarding the Triglavians? What do they support? Why should I help them, aside from this “proving”? What are their ideologies?


will it be possible to dock in triglavian stations? And will we need a certain standing to be able to dock in triglavian controlled space?


There aren’t any official resources about them that you’ll find anywhere online at this time, but I personally put together a large compilation a while back that might be of use - though it’s a bit outdated, only containing info up to Chapter 1 of invasion:

To summarize though:

The people who became the Triglav inhabited New Eden until some time near the end of the Second Jove Empire (a couple of thousand years ago), and were seemingly forced to take refuge in the Abyss aboard their Kitezh World Arks after being pursued by the lead faction of the Second Jove Empire, the “Tyrants” - whom the Triglav call their “Ancient Enemy Azdaja”. The Triglav are also very likely Jove in origin themselves.

Over their time in the Abyss, the Triglav civilization took the form of a trio of “Clades”: Perun, Veles, and Svarog - each comprising many Subclades. These groups are all fiercely individual, and often come into conflict with each other in various ways in an eternal forward-winnowing of “Cladistic Proving”; however, they are (for the most part) also willing to put aside their differences for the greater good of their race.

The concept of “proving” seems to have evolved as a necessity in the very harsh environment of the Abyss. It’s a profoundly Darwinist take on things, where every option within a subject is proven against the others to determine the superior candidate. This includes the best ways of doing things, the proper policies, the superior groups, people, technology, really anything - there is no room for relaxing in the Abyss.

Speaking of which, it also seems that the Triglav were perhaps in fact unable to leave the Abyss until recently, or at least near-completely so. So far as they knew, they were safe there - but then Rogue Drones began to get in, and then the Drifters - a group that has emerged from the ruins of the Sleeper civilization and claimed the mantle of the Tyrants, dubbing themselves the “Vigilant Tyrannos” and seeking to restore what they see as the glory the Jove race once attained in the Second Empire - entered the Abyss to chase the Triglav once more, who then responded by beginning their actions leading to today’s invasions.

The Invasion’s final purpose appears to be to re-establish a foothold for the Triglav in K-space, which they call the “Ancient Domains” - allowing them space to return to New Eden and to prepare to presumably take the fight to their rivals, the Drifters. As for the stars, they seem to be the key to a real return: Blue stars, the main target of the Triglav, produce Isogen-5 - a material that is responsible for ALL of the weird spacetime shenanigans we’ve seen in New Eden. I’m very curious to see where things go.

As for whether you should help them @Victoria_RavenSeer, that takes consideration of some things; the Triglav are against the Drifters, and reject the very nature of Sansha’s Nation’s existence - as the slave implants they employ somehow directly inferferes with their own race’s unique take on life. The Triglav are invading New Eden, but they definitely aren’t being set up as a big bad empire - rather, it seems more likely that they’re moving to become a fifth main empire themselves.


PS. What exactly is Team Event Horizon? Neither the eve-o site nor Google are very helpful with this respect.

Ok so they are the Clans from Battletech.


I don’t know, but I can take a guess at the origin of the name.

Someone at CCP appreciates one of the creepiest sci-fi movies that I’ve ever seen.


They’re one of the new teams that came out of the reorganization last year that produced Team Talos. Event Horizon, IIRC, is Fozzie’s new team (Five-O was shut down when Masterplan and others left).

I’m on the quit ■■■■■■■ up our game side.

Everything from the moment the devs became grossly misguided and added instanced content to a sandbox (/facepalm), up until this has just been an annoyance that interferes with normal EVE gameplay.

What do you think, this 17 year old game is going to somehow draw in players from the WoW clones. Talk about delusional.


Wander what pre Eve gate lore is, if there is any.

Jovian, related to the planet Jupiter, might in fact be pretty loose term for a group that includes many or all of the precursor factions, Talocan, Yan Jung, Takmahl, Sleeper.

The weapon the Other and Jamyl Sarum used on the Elder Fleet was referred as Terran though. Wander how did Terrans and Jovians relate?

I’d like to remind that Sansha’s Nation’s Slave implants were created by the SoCT, inheritors of Third Jove empire.

Rogue Drones story feels weak. They are like Minions in Despicable Me. They are happy to serve every villain out there, the Pirates, the Other, Drifters, Trigs, you name it.

But… Are Drifters the baddies or they rightfully avenge their Sleeper comrades? Are Trigs invading or reclaiming their own? Were Jove good or evil? Are the Capsuleers the real villains? Some are. Empires? Concord? Upwell? SoE?

I consider it a sign of great storytelling when there isn’t definitively all good and all evil sides, only people, groups, factions seeking their own goals.


There’s not liking a game change, and there’s obsessively not liking a game-change…


They need constant reminder so they don’t do it again. :slight_smile:

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He is correct in that instanced content goes against the core tenet of Eve - having a single shard/sandbox.

Wow… So the only purpose of this entire event was to reduce the size of High Security space. There was never any plan for any enduring content past this final phase. What a waste of potential and opportunity…

You could have used this to introduce a new form of factional warfare. You could have used this to create new mission hubs for the new factions while experimenting with new mission mechanics.

Instead this is just another example of your idiotic and delusional idea that all players in highsec secretly want to be playing in low or null. Are your eyes opened yet? Have you seen the overwhelming number of highsec players grinding around the clock to keep highsec, highsec?

All of these players turning out in droves despite the total absence of any tangible in game rewards. Why do they do it? Because they like High Security space, they like it as it is and they don’t want to go anywhere else.

People don’t play a game for 17 years and then suddenly want everything to change.


You know this isn’t the end, right? These events will decide where exactly more things happen in the future - and if CCP isn’t ALREADY looking at these mechanics in terms of FWAR I’d be very surprised.

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Now that would be funny, if after it is all done and over with any characters that supported the Trigs became a permadeath character as a consequence.


Hey thanks for the summary, It’d have been helpful to have this somewhere in game as it definitely makes me look at them completely differently. Less as a weird alien menace and more as a “desperate race bent on darwinistic survival.”

It would be great to see them as a main empire choice upon character creation in the future. I definitely align more with the Gallente so would be more likely to support Edencom, but would love to see a permanent place for the Triglavians. Something which probably wont, or cant, be explored would be a temporary truce of sorts allowing the Triglavians to claim some space near lowsec or nullsec, instead of all out war. It’d be a cool narrative if done properly, and I could see it working with the Gallente and Caldari, though I feel as though CCP is more likely to lean towards a “total war” or “domination” type approach.


Did you read the Q&A? They basically outright admitted they have no further plans for this other than the event going on now.

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I was surprised to see CCP make an official statement against this above. The fact that they’re now saying we’ve essentially gone private and can’t be disabled by CONCORD is HUGE. Completely out of left field, and I’d love to see this come up somewhere in the lore writings, as something that big of a bombshell absolutely needs an official explanation; maybe a concord notice stating they had to let capsuleers go private due to a lack of facility space or something.


Good riddance. I don’t want those Concord scumbags anywhere near my clones.

hey, EVE says death matters, right? we don’t have clone grades anymore, we don’t lose SP unless it’s a T3C…

Permadeath 2020. Make EVE dangerous ground.