Invasion Chapter 3 update from Team Event Horizon

Citation required ffs

I don’t think anyone intelligent is listening anymore…


Here, I copied the answer from above:

Also there are statements on reddit, that with phase 3 the triglavian story will end.

If it ends there, was it really a “story”?


DZ clearly was. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, you got me on that one! :smile:

Name “one” other? :grinning:

Ok well that doesnt mean what he said, so vOv

The Eve Chronicles around the event that created wormholes.
That was awesome.

The SCOPE video released yesterday has some possible hints of what is going on: it mentions the trigs are harvesting the stars and the rest of the system to build ships and equipment, and concludes with:

“We must contemplate the consequences of losing this war to a dreadful enemy. Is it possible that they will harvest each system they conquer until it is completely exhausted of resources before moving on like a swarm of insects? What will happen to the inhabitants and infrastructure in heavily populated systems if they are lost? Will travelling through captures systems become safe again once Triglavian rule has been established?”


  • trigs in taken systems will go on as long as there is something to harvest
  • then the system will return to safe travel
  • but the poor baseliner people who lived there would be screwed

That would in practice put the sec status effect under a timer of currently unknown length of “until the star’s been harvested completely”.

It would also mean folks fighting for the trigs would not gain a permanent gameplay benefit for throwing the make-believe people under the bus.

Of course, these are posed as questions in a newspiece so CCP might just be pulling our leg and go “nyah unreliable narrator” later, but as this is the only clear hints we have about mechanics that sounds to me unlikely (or a jerk thing to do if so).


But with the star harvested, the gravity around the system’s changed, so do the stargates still function?

Theoretically, I guess they should not, but the voiceover implies safe traffic will resume (again, it is posed as a question, but as it is the only direct thing, etc).


So the Trigs are certainly being written as doing more than just “harvesting the star until it’s gone” with all this - even going back to Chapter 2, we have the text from the Stellar Accelerator:

Quantum interactions similar to Triglavian space-time filament and conduit technology have been detected, and it is possible that the Collective are engaged in an effort to “weave” the star’s gravity well into their conduit network. The prospect of the Triglavians incorporating the system into their domains cannot be ruled out and merits forceful counter-action by New Eden’s defenders.

The whole of Invasion seems to be the story of the Triglavs’ return to the Ancient Domains; I could see secutity re-raising once they’ve taken hold of a system properly, after their operations with the stars are complete and they successfully link the systems to their home. After that, it would make sense for these systems to have security - but not under CONCORD.

We’ve also got this icon for a very interesting, much more wormhole-like variant of an Abyssal trace, for what it’s worth here - something new, and something I feel supports this:


Yea, it does seem to say “safe to travel once under Triglavian control”. But from a game mechanic point of view if that happens it basically means it won’t stay a nullsec (edgy lowsec / bittervet-low-sec-as-it-was-before-capitals-ruined-everything / whatever this weird new place is) forever.


I’ve gotta say though, while it lasts, I’m deeply enjoying “trigsec” systems :slight_smile:


Everything was better before 2008 :wink:

(That is, yea, me too.)


I’m curious: what do you do exactly in there?

How very… sefrim-y.

Super Extractor Destroyed

Sunday night a few of us went into vale and took out a super extractor belonging to the Triangles. This leads me to think the system can be taken back if people put in ‘effort’ and I mean a lot of effort.


Boo. Lame.

Its possible there wil be a lasting effect. Systems ruined is some way, for history, as permanent effect.

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