“For the Intaki system”.
When discussing Intaki security, this detail is one of the most important, and yet its significance is often missed.
Yes. The Intaki made it a condition of their membership of the Federation for the navy to maintain an absolutely minimalistic presence in Intaki space.
But there are two very important points that need to be considered here:
Firstly, this stipulation came before many of today’s threats existed.
The violence between Gallente and Caldari, that still echoes across Viriette and beyond, had not yet begun. Serpentis did not yet exist. And Sansha’s Nation would not embark on their abductive incursions for another two centuries.
Secondly, the Intaki had colonised systems throughout the Placid region, and was responsible for them. But as the Gallente Federation evolved, the Assembly’s juristiction was diminished, limited and pushed all the way back to the system’s own jump gates.
And yet, today’s Assembly is judged as though they have done nothing. They are judged as though the only possible solution to the security challenges of Viriette and Placid comes under a Federal banner.
The Assembly has not done nothing. They have awarded one of the most capable and respected military organisations with the system security contract - Mordu’s Legion.
But remember! This only applies to the Intaki system itself.
The Federation saw fit to constrict the juristiction of the Intaki Assembly, and so has taken for itself the responsibility, and the accountability, for the rest of the region.
Though it may be a source of discomfort, and while it might be inconvenient to the Federal argument, it is the Gallente Federation and not the Intaki Assembly that must answer for the litany of short comings across the region.
Of course the Federal Navy would have been hard pressed to prevent the Reschard V disaster. That is not a fair criticism. But they were devastatingly lacking in their response, shamed into action in the wake of the Sisters of EVE’s own humanitarian efforts.
Almost twelve months later during the RISE incident, the Federation was once again inactive, prompting Intaki Space Police to cross the border from Syndicate, into Placid taking early control of the situation and offering some semblance of security.
And finally, worst of all, the Federation has undermined the very spirit of Intaki Federal membership, and that core condition we have all spoken about:
Minimal navy activity in Intaki Space.
The Federation values Intaki membership so much that they see fit to plunge our home world into a perpetual warzone.
They exploit technicalities and nuance to separate the Federal Navy Proper and the militia forces of the Federal Defence Union, despite clear strategic links between the two.
Not only do militia forces operate freely throughout the Intaki system, circumventing the limitations on naval activity, but the Federation goes to the extreme and actually establishes a militia station above Intaki II!
Had the militia existed at the founding of the Federation, I have no doubt what-so-ever that they would have been refused alongside the navy.
And we should!
Five years ago I gave a speech, lauding Mordu’s Legion for their work in the Intaki system. I called for the administration of the Intaki II station to be transferred away from the militia, and to the legitimate security contractors. Such investment in Legion infrastructure in the Intaki system would only improve their capabilities and bring success.
Our efforts must continue.