Irrational, Unprofitable Prices and BP Changes

They are fixing the economy!


So let me get this straight… people who have played for years and earned their way into a capital ship and have spent years preparing to invest and build their own ship, now have to devote more time, effort, and isk to get into the same ship others did far easier???

Why doesnt CCP make current ship owners upgrade to the new standard? Seems legit and fair since what I hear about the cost can be 3x what it was before.

CCP done f-up.


The cost to build a ship will depend on the cost of the materials. Right now, we’re still in a period of scarcity and we have new components that command premium prices because supply chains haven’t yet been established. Scarcity will end, supply will increase to meet demand and prices will settle in to a new normal.

Complaining that things used to be cheaper is like complaining that houses in the neighborhood you want to live in used to be cheaper - it’s true but irrelevant. If you want to live there now you need to pay market price.


…and then clown crowd will go wild: “why wont you risk your expesive ships in peeveepee! leave high-sec! you risk averse, myaaaaaaaaaah!” :laughing:

Its like CCP “we wanna create more pvp” … “but also ships will now cost a fortune so you better not risk them” - choose a side already!


Just because prices are high short term due to (1) player driven market speculation and manipulation and (2) introduction of new changes to industry, does not mean that CCP’s goals are mutually exclusive.

CCP has no control over how players manipulate the market or speculate on items. If the prices are high right now, blame market movers, not CCP.


:thinking: Create an extreme shortage of resources
:thinking: Introduce new components built with the most rare raw materials
:thinking: Distrubute materials in such a way, it would be a logistical nightmare to secure proper supply chains
:thinking: Starve the markets
:scream: “Those damn capitalists did it again!”


literally, yes.

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…and it’s the players who took all of that and manipulated the market.

I love how close you go to the point and completely whiffed it at the end there. Thanks for revealing how bad you are at understanding how a player driven market works.

“Who would have thought that would happen even though we did all in our power to make it happen in that exact way” - probably somewhere at CCP after each balance patch.

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Again, you are completely missing the point of a player-driven market. CCP made changes to the ecosystem to address the problem of resource bloat. They added new industry inputs so they can better adjust the levers. You’re mad because players are taking advantage of these changes in the short term.

Chill out and stop being such a whiny manchild. The market will correct itself and the prices will find a new stable point.

Edit: Looks like you’re committed to intentionally missing the point. Good luck with the rest of … whatever you have going on for you, lol.

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This is exactly what i’m trying to say here.
In their typical way CCP addressed (as always) an entirely non-existent problem with an extremely detrimental solution and now the market is reacting to this change (which they knew it would but did it anyway). Yes, the market is player-driven. Yes, everybody and their cat knew beforehand this will happen. Yes, i’m in fact the one taking an IMMENSE advantage over this (because over the years i learned how to take advantage over dumb dev actions) but still unhappy about this whole charade.

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If you took any mathematics in school than count what was the price of the capitals before all of those changes started and before the last update when they added the planetary crap.

The price ahd already gone up by 6 TIMES

So either CCP are blatant liers, taking players for retards, when they say they want to have more pvp contant, or, as someone already noted they are bottom barrel incompetent.


CCCP wants to avoid that everyone flies around in capital ships, doing level1 missions.


you forgot now add an eternally reoccurring cost to basic t1 production. Fuel for reaction structures doesn’t pay for itself. And most don’t buy 10 billion in fuel for the month to make an extra 500 mil as they go meh…I won’t put cost of fuel in items sold per unit.

they want the 10 billion in fuel back. then quite a few billions for the pi reaction results.

And its not like ccp didn’t know this. its been the basis for t2 production for years. I wished I was just paying for end product to make t2 components. There was a whole bunch of fuel cost to get that stuff to the hubs I paid for end of the day. a magical world of no added costs like this…would be world of much cheaper t2.

And now t1 has these costs. yay…

Indeed, so they can’t be considered responsible for the market to speculate.

edit : it’s correct to say they increased the price for SOME items. If an item required to mine veldspar for 3h⋅man, and now also requires to huff gas for 0.005 h⋅man, then de factor the cost increased. Now we must consider the additional cost of production (which should contain the required number of slot⋅h , the eiv of the items based on their ease of acquisition, etc.) , and as long as you don’t do that COMPLETELY this kind of stupid argument is just a fart in the wind.

No one said you needed to come in and prove how poorly you (also) understand how the player-driven market works. But thank you for volunteering your lack of intelligence in this case.

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No industrialist here, but the level os stupidity in this thread is something.

Trolls would do a better job.

I blame you CCP! For letting people multibox and think EVE is their personal single player game for so long!

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I was mocked a few weeks ago discussing the subject of cost by using generally accepted albeit generic business terminology. Perhaps I’m one of the few who have operated and owned actual businesses on Earth but for the sake of educating my Eve family, I’ll soldier on.

Cost and price are closely related but not the same. The price of materials at trade hubs might be your (OP) cost but they certainly are not mine but merely represent a referential basis. My cost of production is the amortized cost of the mining equipment and skills I purchased now used to mine ore. As such my cost structure is less than one tenth of yours and I can easily make profits far below the referential material prices (basis) posted at trading hubs.

Players that buy material at trading hubs, then construct products for sale at the same hub are merely engaging in arbitrage. In this case the relative cost of production is more a function of trading in the individual component bid/ask spreads than anything else. In actuality, since Eve is virtual, it’s all arbitrage except (virtual) mining is one (virtual) integration removed. With highly liquid and efficient markets, bid/ask spreads and arbitrage prospects are small.

So when you see finished products selling at prices below the aggregated imputed component cost on a trading hub basis, it’s not manipulation but merely a different cost structure and the minimization of arbitrage potentials.


You’re trying too hard, friend.
This is just a video game and there are so many more factors that go towards why people may be selling stuff below build cost.

  • They have some junk and just want to sell it cheap.
  • They ganked someone who wasnn’t paying attention.
  • They looted some stuff during pvp and want to get rid of it.
  • They build out in low/nullsec and have excess, so they just ship it out.
  • They dabbled in some industry but found it unenjoyable so they’re just liquidating.
  • They focus on extremely efficient margins and produce enough to be profitable.
  • They have some junk and just want to sell it cheap.
  • they bought much lower and are willing to sell at good price compared to their purchae.
  • they want to kill competitors.
  • they made a mistake and bought 2000 ships instead of 20. Now they need to sell the excess.
  • all the reasons we don’t know about. Just because it does not make sense to us, does not mean it does not make sense to someone else.