Is an expansion of the State military necessary?

I don’t think expansion alone is going to solve the endemic problems that have lead to its eternal state of rot.

The State can’t frame cancer as torpor forever and nor can it continue to strike the hammer of existential threat, those responses are long burned out. (Look at the failure the State has encountered in rapid response to actual manifest existential threats every time since that one single time they base their culture on.) They have been replaced by the drudging misery of shirking and shamming and this culture has reached every single level of the production hierarchy.

There isn’t anything that can be done, the State has failed and it has only the same to look forward to in its future as occupies it’s present; A constant exodus of anyone with potential and slavery with narrow hope for the vast majority who do not rate among that privileged “fractional margin of individuals who have profitable potentials” (should we be surprised at kk press executives taking the mask off anymore after Heth?)

You know, the idea of expansion to alleviate the problems of the State is so intrinsically bad that I have no doubt it will be the panacea the state chooses as a collective.

As consumer and true-believing marketeer both they will convince themselves as always the absolute worst course of action as a whole is what is the “most Caldari.” After all, it has worked all this time and expansion has turned out remarkably well …

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