Is an expansion of the State military necessary?

Stop writing to me already, useless ignorant!
Even five year olds in the State know that leaving of the Homeworld was only in the beginning of the war and that it was not just for one planet, but for multiple star systems.

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Might I offer an outside opinion?

Don’t consider “how can we make our current military better?”. Such a consideration will, by definition, be rooted in what you military currently is, including outdated tactics and technology, and will ultimately fail for being based on weak foundations.

Instead, ignore that fact that you already have a military. Start from a clean slate. Ask yourself “how can we create a military to combat the threats and tactics we face today?”. Plan as if you’re building a new military from scratch, and then compare what you come up with to what you currently have, and think what changes need to be made to what you have to get to what you’ve determined you need.

I think one has to deal with the hand one is dealt, not the hand one would desire.

However, I think there is potential instead of trying to re-adjust the entire State military, perhaps benefits can be gained in more limited initiatives.

Lai Dai Protection Services have shown the benefits of direct confrontation against the Federation in Intaki.

I think the JSL partnership of Kaalakiota and Sukuuvestaa should do the same. Instead of waiting for an inevitable Federal attack, confront the Gallente on their own territories as Lai Dai have done. Force the Federation to react and seize the initiative, while funding military operations based on asset seizures within the warzone.

That really sounds like an embezzlement.

Imagine you’re building a turret targetting system, dozens of gears interconnected in a complicated ways, allowing turning the barrels in all directions, converge them on single point depending on the distance. You made a lot of calculations, handcrafted custom gears, assembled it all in their glory, but when you turned it on - the system simpy jammed! What would you do, just smash it all over, discard all your previous work and start a new? Or invite and independent analyst, who will look into schematics and will tell you: whoops, looks like it has odd numbers of gears in the loop! All you need to do is either remove one gear or add another one, so it will work smoothly!

The military is not just a couple of squads running around with rifles. It’s a very complex system, built and perfected for years by millions of people working together. It is logistics, it is education services, communications, command structure, housing, food production, entertainment, medical facilities, construction plants, repair shops! To have working military you need to keep your soldiers always being trained, pull them into games, into maneuvers, so whenever real deployment is needed, they have 100% readiness for combat! And every deployment involves moving not just soldiers but whole infrastructure to support your troops, your ships, everything…

What we really need is adjusting our system, working with what we have to achieve what we desire. For example, during Triglavian invasion we made a great work of fixing our system - we have eliminated all sort of pirate, triglavian or gallentean collaborators from our ranks. Offenders were fired, detained - or even executed.

However, it acted only as ‘oiling’ of our system, if you consider the same example with the turret guidance system, but it didn’t solve the main problem. The problem that caused the whole system to jam wasn’t fixed yet. Right now our military is the most modern, most trained, most advanced army in the whole New Eden. It was jammed only by one extra gear, that was supposed to help, but instead led to catastrophe.

The name of this gear is EDENCOM.

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Strike Commander Kim, this is the first I’ve heard this theory. Could you elaborate concerning EDENCOM and the Navy?

It’s only embezzlement if you actually use it to steal money.

Pehaps I didn’t communicate my idea well enough. As a paper project, work out what you would do to create your military if you were starting from scratch. Don’t actually build any hardware or anything, just look at it as a brainstorming idea. Use what you come up with to inform how your actual, extant military should proceed in the future.

The Edencom was formed to make nations work together to repel an external threat. However, it appeared that in fact in worked to save one nation at the expense of another. I’ve seen the defense of State system been abandoned just to support some system in hostile space.

Usually you drop support when you feel like you have enough to hold it and toss it towards the system where was not enough support. Edencom acted that way that they ceased operation in the system that needed support and redirected it somewhere, where it was still looking okay.

I am pretty sure without Edencom we would have protected all the Caldari systems by ourselves.

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It always struck me that the State could do better in neo-colonialism. The Cluster is at an empasse - wars between Empires have rarely moved beyond the bounds of the same set of systems and the Triglavian threat has meant that the Empires can’t afford to not work together.

And yet, the Amarr, Gallente and Minmatar have all found ways to be expansionist by trying to use their influence on other nations within other Empires and the Caldari? They always appear very insular outside military insurrection by the likes of the Provists.

And then I see that Diana Kim is one of the most prominent Caldari talking head on GalNet and I cease wondering why they don’t have as much diplomatic power as I would expect.

The only thing that we want, and have ever wanted, is to be Caldari.

Something that claimed this many lives shouldn’t be covered up. It didn’t even stop when the invasions did. Even after the invasions, people who were ferrying refugees back to New Caldari Prime, were losing transports to Triglavian raiding fleets, outside of the CEP station, in New Caldari Prime itself. You could see Landfall City from where that Tayra exploded. The Navy did nothing, the station guns did nothing, CONCORD did nothing. The only people who did show up to help were Mrs. Phonaga and Miss Jenneth. In total one Naga and two Oracles spent a good seven hours destroying Trig fleet after Trig fleet in the new home system, and the navy did not materialize once.

This was already done when, during the invasions, the entire upper echelon of the Caldari Navy was placed under house arrest and replaced with officers from the Corporate Security Forces. It did not improve the situation. Switching to hybrid weapons would’ve. Towards the end the doctrine for loyalist capsuleers was Nagas if you could fly them, as they could take out Triglavian fleets alone, and otherwise people were in a Ferox or an Osprey. The technology needed to stop them was easily available.

No, just fix the doctrines. Simple as.

She is referring to a public statement by the CEP which blamed EDENCOM for the ineffective defense of Caldari systems, which was made after the invasions ended.

No actually, defence success rates were as follows:
Amarr + subsidiaries combined average rating: 91.9%
Caldari combined average rating: 19.8%
Gallente combined average rating: 79.9%
Minmatar combined average rating: 76.3%
This entails that only 19.8% of all invaded Caldari systems were successfully defended.
Partially this is due to the navy using the wrong weapon system and the wrong warheads, whilst having a resist hole and miss-using it’s ECM, partly this is due to Caldari Militia not consistently showing up, with the exception of Damar Rocarion and one of his friends.

We do not have a tradition of aggressive expansion or annexation.
Even when the Provists took over temporarily, they merely carved a path straight to Caldari Prime despite the Federal Navy’s early warning system being down and their command structure being in a state of pure individual liberty at the time.
However, our ancestors built our worlds up from nothing.
Their sweat and blood is as much a part of our worlds as the air we breathe.
We owe it to them to cling on to those worlds and our ways or die trying.
That is why the Caldari Navy kept coming despite having no chance to win.
That is why our people are still fighting and dying in Pochven whilst Vale went quietly into the night.
That is as it should be.


Except, of course, that at no point did EDENCOM abandon the defense of systems in order to move those assets elsewhere. As you and your girlfriend Remi like to point out, EDENCOM itself is part of CONCORD, and while independent capsuleers did operate to support EDENCOM, they were never actually part of EDENCOM. The only actual forces EDENCOM had were those assigned to them by the national navies.

Which means that in order for you to have seen EDENCOM abandon the defense of State systems to send those assets someplace else, that means you saw Caldari Navy ships in another nation’s systems.

Which you didn’t.

If I will need an opinion of a delusional clown, I’ll leave you a notification. Until that - begone.

Nice to see you reverting to empty ad hominem when you can’t actually dispute the facts.

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First, I do not dispute facts.
Second, bringing facts alongside of your sick delusions still doesn’t mean I have to address every crap you’re writing - since you are, what I’ve called you already.
Third, you are not worthy of me even bothering to bring actual facts against you, since you will either twist them or ignore them.

Now, begone and stop writing me products of your inflamed imagination, pretending it’s “facts”.

Yay, more ad hominem! Really showing off the weakness of your position there.

What part of the word ‘begone’ you failed to understand?

I hate to answer on behalf of another so I hope she’ll forgive me for doing so, but I think Arrendis didn’t understand the part where you thought you had the authority to say ‘begone’.

I don’t think expansion alone is going to solve the endemic problems that have lead to its eternal state of rot.

The State can’t frame cancer as torpor forever and nor can it continue to strike the hammer of existential threat, those responses are long burned out. (Look at the failure the State has encountered in rapid response to actual manifest existential threats every time since that one single time they base their culture on.) They have been replaced by the drudging misery of shirking and shamming and this culture has reached every single level of the production hierarchy.

There isn’t anything that can be done, the State has failed and it has only the same to look forward to in its future as occupies it’s present; A constant exodus of anyone with potential and slavery with narrow hope for the vast majority who do not rate among that privileged “fractional margin of individuals who have profitable potentials” (should we be surprised at kk press executives taking the mask off anymore after Heth?)

You know, the idea of expansion to alleviate the problems of the State is so intrinsically bad that I have no doubt it will be the panacea the state chooses as a collective.

As consumer and true-believing marketeer both they will convince themselves as always the absolute worst course of action as a whole is what is the “most Caldari.” After all, it has worked all this time and expansion has turned out remarkably well …

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In contrast to popular belief, people do not have to author posts if they have nothing of value to contribute to the topic of the thread.


A question was posed, “Is an expansion of the State military necessary?”

The answer is: Yes.