Is EVE actually dying?

Exactly, so a finite resource is being spent adding new stuff when that resource could be spent fixing old stuff. Thx for agreeing with me…

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You’re incorrect there. CCP doesn’t have an iteration team, so a feature team (Five-0, etc.) has to be shifted onto a broken feature to rework it.


I feel like the consequences of taking our money and investing it anything but Eve might be catching up with them.


Pretty much this. Hopefully Hilmar can turn it around and make EVE an unforgiving and dangerous game again.

There are some features where it could be fixed very easily (Resource wars says hello).
While a new feature is certainly going to take a lot more work.

In that case then it’d be easy for CCP to tell us they were going to do it, right?

Currently, there is nothing on the “Upcoming” page of CCPs website other than NPE improvements and “Vegas and London will be happening”. Doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence.


what is dead cannot die they say.
eve in 2006 ->

eve in 2019 ->

games are for makeing money thats all and squished games cannot be fixed easly.

After years of chasing profit, tolerating bots, we have a return to thinking about the player as a human. People do not like to be treated in this way, so usually if the studio fails and is simply greedy, the game dies. Bots are nothing new, people have been reporting about it for many years, etc. ccp did nothing
and now we are in this miserable condition of the pre-death coma


Oh, not disagreeing on that part.
I was just pointing out that in some cases fixing a feature is far faster than making a new feature, as it seemed like you were saying it would take a similar amount of time for either.

haha so many point to graphs of the good old days and year to year player growth or player loss, but fail to look at other facts.
In my view I played when came out on CD “still have that copy” its not how the game has changed but its how the community has changed.
predetermined mass battles - always been around
ppl get gank in high sec - always done so
don’t fly what you cant afford to lose “cant belive I just went there” but true
when I played it was for fun - yeah FUN :slight_smile: and I did pay to play to support the game like many of old friends did even bitter rivals.

but now its gone to far - to much ganking on new players or players who are trying to get set out
To many players with more accounts then I can even think to manage split screens / multiboxing.
look there is nothing wrong with ppl who gank and I wish them good hunting but at the same time as CCP looks the other way its the game that suffers.

To play even online you have to be good at maths unless your the kinda person wwhhoo look nice shinnnnyyyyy ship wooooo.

So do the maths with common sense - no one spending $$$$$ no one getting paid “In 2006 CCP laid off 60 employees and killed the community relations team” “CCP Games, the Icelandic gaming company behind the massive multiplayer spaceship game EVE Online, has been sold to the South Korean company Pearl Abyss”

if less ppl are not spending then the game will die / the speed at what that happens is upto you.

so my advice is to learn how to gank in high sec - amazing isk on zKillboard and easy way to get a set up for little isk - prettu sure you don’t need to be an omega account or join an alliance stay in null sec and get blown up spend next weeknd farming isk to repeat predetermined mass battles so much fun to start with.

I would look how the game is being played now and the reasons for that - I have come to the conclusion in my view its going down hill fast each year due to less ppl spending $$$

new games coming out - loss of staff on this game - WarDecs messed up - game sold out/partnership list can go on and on if you ask me to name them then pretty pls slap yourself.

the good old days a few ppl had 2 toons maybe 3 but most never had an alt just a main character.

ok RANT OVER LMAO – ahhh

"if you wish to leave a negative reply your more then welcome to :slight_smile: but pls solve my maths question 1st - ITS A CHALLANGE :):slight_smile: declining sales from ccp = $$$$ ___? ill give you a hint (dead game)

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Excuse me, I just saw this and I’m curious!


What is this thing? I mean … I understand what it’s for, but what it’s name?

I’ve never seen anything like it! I press citrus fruits out with my hand
and use a spoon to get everything out! This seems to to the trick as well?


Friend found it for me:

Never seen such a thing before. lol

I hear this a lot, and it’s disappointing to hear from people (pretending to be from back when EVE was on CD), repeat this meme. The more ganking we have on new players and starting players, the better. The objective truth is that those people get engaged and stick around a lot more.

This is a GOOD thing. People who say it’s a bad thing, or that ganking on new player “has gone too far” are straight up lying and/or don’t know what they’re talking about.

If you have data that proves it better than CCP Rise and the data they’ve collected. I’d love to see it.

Naw, its actually just two people and their alts. Me. And You.

everything dies eventually so yes eve is dying as are we all

This horse is really, really dead.

That data shows nothing about ganking help keep new people. They’ve even said so themselves at some things shortly after that.
It was just an interesting weak correlation.
There are plenty of other logical reasons we could be seeing a weak correlation other than ganking being good. So you can’t jump to that conclusion off that data.

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But lets not forget the post hes replying to. And that there is zero data to support the ‘myth’ that ganking hurts new player retention.

Sure, but that’s no excuse to come up with a lie of your own.

“People in the ganked group are most likely to stay subscribed afterwards.”

You can try to downplay it as much as you want by calling it a “weak” correlation, but it’s still a correlation none-the-less. One that goes against the commonly repeated meme of “herp derp ganking newbros is bad.”

It’ll probably be impossible to prove causation here, since it’s just a video game and people may come and go as they choose to. That being said, what information we do have (provided by CCP themselves) points to it being a positive correlation, and not a negative one.

Unless you, or anyone else crying about ganking, have other evidence and data to show correlation in the other direction.

A correlation does not imply causation.
And when there are plenty of other non isolated elements that include things such as hours played then we can’t use the correlation to say anything.
Because it is equally true by the data to say “People who stay subscribed for at least a month are more likely to get ganked”. A correlation is a two way effect.

I am not sitting here claiming that ganking drives people away, I am saying that the ‘data’ you are pointing at says nothing. It simply serves to identify points worthy of further study.
And to claim that it says ganking is good is an outright lie.

But it is good.

Helps fuel the economy, gets people engaged, encourage more community participation through sharing of killmails, people trade ideas and success stories about how to avoid getting ganked, and tons more.

I find it cute that you think CCP’s data “says nothing”, though the more disappointing thing is that you’re talking like there is an implication that CCP and the data they’ve collected is equivalent to the hurt feelings of some forum crybabies.

I know which one I’m putting more stock in.