Is Eve Dying/Dead?

It’s like the real world, you can sit and cry and whine, or you can get out there and do something. Attitude is everything, and crybabies don’t deserve help.


or jump in a heron and explore. and you know just have fun.

You are pitching this like in order to have fun (which you know is why we play) you need a multibillion ship and fit. you dont.

The cheapest of frigates and fits is capable of generating tons of isk and fun.

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Aren’t you that nereus guy?

No, I think you got the wrong person.

Anyway, im just playing devils advocate, i personally enjoy playing EVE and can make a billion a day if I can be bothered to do so, it’s the first MMO I ever played starting in 2006, and I thought the level of cruelty and psycotic behavior in EVE was just normal for an MMO.

but prefer to explore the sandbox in other ways like -

Farming civilian shuttles
Trying to fly down the path of acceleration gates in an inty and arriving on grid 30 minutes later(doesnt work any more)
Puttering about with PI
Doing COSMOS mission, and collecting up other peoples COSMOS BPs
Building T2 drones
Mining worthless ores like Banidine

Nah bro, I don’t want any of your racist ilk. Hopefully you get hit by a trig gatecamp.

k bruh, divided we fall.

taking notes in the calendar, we rise…

I’m all for improving the quality of the sandpit, but these kind of naïve protestations are hilarious. Do you genuinely believe the quantity of Eve players is irrelevant? Genuinely?!

Yes, quantity does not make the game more enjoyable, nor does it become more profitable. The quality of players is far more important.

Do you believe 50012 people is objectively better without any other parameters than 50000?

Because we all love popular movies and the top ten pop songs, dont we?

Interesting considering you’re the one associating a particular color with something being bad.

Quantity can help but quality works both ways. Low quality players fall victim to high quality players.

I’m assuming you think you and the other cloppers are in the good quality player bracket. Many here think the opposite.

I believe if you change one parameter. One tiny little thing. You’d have 100000 instead of 50000. Objectivly better, in my opinion.

What’s that one parameter?

Remove and ban all CODE members.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

And I believe every time I get podded another virgin is added to my heavenly haul.

We all have our delusions

Epeen prefers the Thanos solution to social issues, completely ignoring the fact that snapping a bunch of undesirables out of existence would just make everyone else ■■■■ harder to fill in the gaps.

But then again, math has never been a miner’s strong suit.

It’s nice knowing that CCP values me more than 50’000 miners.


For what? They are playing game as intended.

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Don’t try to engage with it. Just make fun of it.

It is true I am associating a colour with something dark as sin.
I also made the mistake of omitting to include the capitols in the full expression of the Venetian Black Nobility.
I do not really expect you to recognise the reference or associate that ancient death cult with the topic at hand.
The point I have been subtly suggesting and failing to make clear is that EVE will die when its player base dies (quantity), or is mentally challenged (quality).
The player-base is being degraded, but not by Crowd Control Productions.
I have learned not to state why I believe this is the case, so don’t ask me, but I do believe it to be true.

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Oof with more of the racism. And even more laughable that you bring up sin in terms of a space vidya game.

I do know what you’re talking about but an ancient death cult has little bearing on EVE. I get you’re trying to cloak your racism in pseduo seemingly smart terms.

I actually hope you get hit randomly by trig death camp, your corp hold looted and frankly, I hope you forgot to bookmark the WH exit and are forced to scan it down again to get out. Truly.

Oh I like making him type ridiculous statements tho :smiley: