Is EVE Online dead?

Even more so because how many are on sale during the big sale events on Steam, GoG and so forth.

Steam users have spent $19 billion on games they’ve never played

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Yea but they were on sale

:eyes: :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I was in a world of tanks gaming group. They played ranked and people who didn’t make the cut to the AAA team decided to try EVE. We got wardecked, someone lost an Orca. The war was extened. Another Orca was lost. Within a day half he corp went back to a NPC or quit.

I know that what you write is true, I sometimes do just fly arround, but!
This is forum.
Most players here are OK, but most angry and most vocal are forum trololos.
They will “call you out” for lying.

The truth is, this game has 10-20k of players on line.
Most of them are secondary and Nth accounts( I have 12).

Most of them are in three systems and huge proportion never leave that system plus 10 jumps MAX.

NOT TO MENTION that CCP is now 100% aimed to just constantly milking whales.
that is all they do.


It keeps the game afloat, I guess. The numbers sure don’t.

That is not CCP driving your corp out. That is just EVE being EVE. A pain that happened for certain. But still EVE is brutal and takes no prisoners. Sorry, for what is worth, that it happened to you and your old corp.

Black Desert does know that it consented to PvP upon purchase of Eve Online? Did anyone send the “I Consent to PvP Upon Purchase of Eve Online” memo to all of Black Deserts other games?

Maybe we the Immortals, create an alliance from Capsuleers, then train and raid and pummel all of the kids in Black Desert games and then drag them back to New Eden?

I think such a d*ck move would become another first in the World Book of Records, if not making the move the biggest gank in the history of ganking.

Amarians would be good at raiding and bringing back, new pioneers, for New Eden, the Minmatar would be good at converting the new pioneers to make the ride on Amarian ships, more joyful.

The Caldari and us Gallente, would keep Eve Online afloat until at least 10,000 new pioneers were introduced into New Eden.

CCP buys ads in other games, the Long Lim Rows would be used to display the advert in another game. As the curious gets closer to the LLR, an ocular opens up and transports the curious to a ship in-game that is in the middle of a system wide battle of 500 ships.

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Fix Awoxing in FW

For the era, yes, however in the current ruleset we would have been war ineligible. I doubt the statistics that prompted war declarations to be temporarily suspended would have been much different, so the missing catalyst was someone willing to look at them, be they CCP or CSM.

Its under active development. They havent fixed much it seems. Too busy with the event i guess.

Look, we need to know, does that place have a castle and is it where our Princess is hiding?
Chad needs to know pls.

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It’s more like a palace than a castle…



Hey Hi Uriel,

I was dead tired last night after something I had read upset me.

Now though seeing you here and reading the above message brings hope that our Princess is still alive an not stuck in some other dark universe.


I find myself playing a lot of older games, like Vampire : The Masquerade - Bloodlines. and I love the vehicle carnage one can create in Far Cry 2. My Steam list has 42 games on it I haven’t yet bought.

I found No Man’s Sky quite frustrating. One can get stuck and there’s very little ‘help’…and the UI is about as un-intuitive as it gets.

For a game that some claims to be dying… It sure seems the devs are doing things that are not only developing and strengthening tools, but a lot of the background programs that run EVE…

But yeah, I guess EVE is dying??? How? Not sure, but OKAY…

I sure hope not – cuz I’m developing the next gen of EVE Online web tools to make it all more approachable.

I think the community is what makes this game what it is, and if we remove as much of the friction from the fun as we can, this game will thrive again. (Current build) (BETA – launching soon)


I think that it is to help such people as yourself in creating those third party tools. Though I suspect and would think that a lot of the coding is going to change. As to how you and others are going to interact with Eve as you create those third party tools.

Change always comes with pain. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot.

Though upcoming changes for mining in Nullsec is going to be the real tell as to how all this will work. If the devs flub it hard as they did equinox. It is going to be a bad day for everyone.

Looks real good… Have bookmarked them for later.

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If its dying its because of bad leadership

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I going to say that you have not been here long enough to start judging the current leadership.


Eve never dies.

I’ve just got back from a break myself and things seem much the same, i will need to adapt my playstyle since i can no longer dwell under cloak for hours on end. Surprisingly, I am not irritated by this change and will infact embrace it for if I cannot dwell in cloak for a long durations then neither can the enemy!!

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