Is EVE Online dead?

I’m glad to read that, there are so few anymore.

And I will not fault you for that, just not my playstyle. But beware, that just make you a sheep to be picked off by wolfs. I didn’t bother t look you up so I have no idea how you like to play. If in a Null blk, you have more than enough protection.

TDI. :roll_eyes: Thanks, but no Thanks…

I had no clue as to how rich I was until the forums. When I 1st posted, someone asked me “Who are you” to post. I looked myself up and found out I was pretty good. The billions I gave away to promote new players on the forums who showed any kind of promise.

What have you done since 08?

I have been chased more than a few times. My situational awareness is better than most… PTSD does that to one… First time that my PTSD has been put to good use… LOL

Truthfully I was working. Raising my son. I had not even played any RPG tabletop. The most I was doing then was an occasional PC game.
I started to play a different game around 2012 or so. Am quite good at it. Still play. Help new people as I can. Being retired now I have time I didn’t have before.

Eve has captured my attention. So a new game to learn and enjoy.


I use to feel that feeling, though I decided to control it by making it notundocking what could trigger that feeling in me again.

They say that gaming online can cause great levels of stress to the individual who has no control.

/would like to add that this is one of my goals that gave reason to be constantly when able to focus efforts that go against causing such stress to the Capsuleer and reason for tge way I am always debating the Ganker, one who can potentially cause stress to an individual in Highsec @Uriel_the_Flame

.pinged you so you can add that to my file.

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This is the thread I was looking for.


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Are you?
But seriously what kind of question is this?

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I think you are missing some key factors of being a long time player. Beyond that, I think what he is trying to say is that offering and actually helping new players doesn’t always work that way. For someone to learn, they have to want to learn and be accepting to the teachings and information passed to them. Many players, including many new players, don’t want to do that. They say they want to learn, but they really don’t. They want the knowledge, experience, and help without actually having to work for it or take offered knowledge and experience to heart. Many just want a handout or a short-cut to success. I have experienced this first-hand throughout my years in Eve. Out of a hundred new players claiming to want this help, less than 10% are actually willing to do what it takes to get where they want to be because “it takes too long”, or for whatever reason. Those 10% then go on to be bitter vets trying to help others who don’t really want to do what it takes to learn. Many want instant gratification. Eve doesn’t work that way. Too many turn away the help because once they find out it’s a lot of work, they don’t want to do the work because it is contrary to what they want to do.

For this reason, I understand what he means and many vets that have tried to help new players do as well. There is definitely gratification in helping someone willing to learn and is willing to do the work. But it’s not instant by any means. It gets old repeating things no one wants to hear, so they stop helping. It can be a full-time “job” helping new players and this ultimately takes away from their own enjoyment of the game…especially when it’s wasted on those who don’t truly want to learn.

No player has all the answers. No player ever will. If you are truly interested in the help, advice, and training of a veteran player, I urge you to find someone willing to teach you. They are still out there. But more so, I urge you to take their teachings seriously and take into knowledge what they offer. Too many would rather have a fish than be taught to fish.

There was a time when new players wanted to learn. Every vet was taught by someone. Now, the majority want it now, the skill now, everything now and when the teacher can’t give it to them the way they want it, they blame the teacher, not themselves. One can be led to water…but if they choose not to drink, that’s their problem.


Thank you!

There is a further element, though. Great teachers down through the centuries have taught that success comes from already seeing yourself as in the position you want to be in. You don’t ‘become’ successful…you already are, in your own mind.

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Yes. 2017 was the last golden age and Eve is too far gone to be saved.

You don’t know what you’re talking about.
One year isn’t an “age”.
An age is at least a thousand years.

And EVE is still better than any other space game out there so your wet dreams about it going kaput will not happen any time soon.


well game is not dead as u can all see but there is not much going on in the game … is more like a station ship spining and discord chating stimulation nowdays. Only people that cant let go are left , and they are old and toxic not willing to do more than talk and chill. CCP dosnt care much , they just wana milk this old horse… all this can be fixed with a simple reset but than the old horse is gona be pissed and the new horses will need some work to train … its simple as this

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What a simp. The old players broke the game to the point new players can’t compute, or even play competitively. I beg for an EVE 2.0. Watch what would happen if the old breed were enticed to return. Never going to happen, so why waste $$$ on killing worthless players?

If you were a valuable player, you would be in my kill mail… Or me in yours… :roll_eyes:

Edit; Actually, he’s not doing bad!
migy | Character | zKillboard

The old horse would still have the know how and break to the top quickly while the new horse would still complain and cry “unfair”. :thinking:


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Speaking of beating a dead horse or the like, I see migy came rushing in on the verge of this Dec 24 thread becoming old news. Anyone else care to necro old meme threads today so they will remain for 3 more months? I say stick a fork in this one, it is done.

Fly safe o7

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It’s on it’s way out courtesy of the Devs themselves.

If you look in the Technology and Research Centre > Upcoming features and changes you’ll notice something about the dates of the posts if you scroll down then up…

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well game is not dead as u can all see but there is not much going on in the game … is more like a station ship spining and discord chating stimulation nowdays.

So just why are you making this nonsense up? Because you don’t know better?

I must be dreaming up all the action in the multi-trillions of isk i see on when everyone is docked up as you assume…

I’ll cut new players some slack. You don’t need to really be all that smart to win at EVE. You do have to be active though. And that’s where they seem to fail.

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Yes they are lazy but that also shows when they ask questions all the time that a simple google search would have answered.

They are too lazy to figure things out, that is why they lack the know how, it has nothing to do with being smart, just unwilling to do the slightest of effort (both to do the research and to actually perform the tasks). :wink:



I read an article on the BBC news page yesterday concerning gamers having a backlog of games to play due to how many are hitting the market.

On the HYS there were some interesting comments from gamers discussing £50/100 games and finishing them in a week vs older gamers and wanting a game to last much longer, ie EvE, WoW, No Mans Sky etc.