Is EVE Online dead?

@Gloria_Exercitus Bittervet or not, I think it’s selfish on their part, like those who recently push for a reset. EVE has been around more then 20 years and there is no reason it can’t be around for another 20.
If some players are tired of the game then they know where the door is. No need to ruin the experience for the rest of us.


Though when a balance change effects a pilot and their ship hull they felt comfortable using mission after mission receives a huge nerf, then don’t that sort of fall in a mini reset?

Like a pilot would then be switching skills and ship hulls when before they were having a Funtime?

Yes. You can try to trach, but much like today’s classrooms, full of entitled children who don’t think they need to learn anything and should get a reward for just showing up.

And you did? I hurt Goons far more than you have. :smirk:

Is that not what you are doing? :rofl:

@Chad_Frostpacker Nobody likes their play to be nerfed via their ships/weapons/abilities, especially when it’s been working for them, I agree, Chad, but I wouldn’t call it a reset, not in the way the O.P meant it in that thread. Maybe a mini-reset, yes, in that, as you mentioned, they have to train into something else and figure out how to use the mechanics in their advantage but they still retain their skills, Isk, contacts, bookmarks and stuff to help them overcome the nerf.
Although when you’ve been using the same setup for years and easily slam dunk every mission you accept doesn’t it become routine, stale? Can’t change be a good thing in a video game?

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Let me remind you that you’re asking this from a fanatic miner who lives for boring grind and semi-afk farming space rocks, so their answer will likely differ from us regular players who enjoy variation and exciting gameplay. :wink:


@Uriel_the_Flame In that case I can see how my question to the Frostpacker could be irrelevant.
Like pasta everyday for the rest of your life :scream:

The key to enjoying Eve is to do multiple different things. Last night one of my alts was in a big battle in null. Another 14 ‘kill’ records on Killboard for me. This particular alt hangs about at Jita and targets suspects…and is way more ready now to move to lowsec. Another alt mines in a Venture ( and no…I wont buy a mining permit ). And so on. I also have a great deal of fun creating new ship fittings.

One day I will rule all of Eve. OK…that’s likely an impossible dream, but the point is that you wont get bored in Eve ( or even in RL ) if you set the highest possible goals.

Eve is not dead. It’s the soul of the people who claim so that is dead.


@Gloria_Exercitus I totally agree, Gloria. Variety is the spice of life and I enjoy every different aspects of EVE that I have tried so far although I still have to experience quite a lot of the game. But I’m not rushing and am rather planning for the near and far future. I’m still a new player and I have a whole lot to learn.
I too enjoy creating ship fits and am discovering how deep the game goes in ships/modules stats.

When that day comes I should be competent enough to be one of your generals :wink:


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I had a trip through a few LS systems yesterday collecting data cores and didn’t enter a system that had a single player in it.

1 The small corp I presently in is far enough away. That it would not be worth the effort of going out there… 2 There are plenty of other corps and alliances that could have done it a lot easier. 3 I did reach out to see if i could fly with those corps that were nearby and were no friends to Goon. Was told no they had no plans to interfere with Goonswarm or was just told no. Personally, I do not do much PVP myself, but thought that it would be a good way to gain experience in a large fight. Shrugs

As for students. Having taught both formally and informally. I find that outside of kids. An adult can learn if you approach with respect and a touch of humility.

Here in Eve a person that is not willing to learn. Is not going to last long in the game. If you offered to teach. That person is already been primed to a willingness to learn. Will be enthusiastic to learn from someone that has the knowledge they themselves do not have.

This has always been my experience in games that I have played over the years. If you ran into a few that were not. That was simply bad luck. Alternately it also, and most likely, it is how you teach. Your manner, how you use your words, how you demonstrate how to do something. All go in how a student will respond to the knowledge you are teaching.

As to what I am doing on the forums. I am not whining for certain like some bittervet. I am here to amuse myself and pickup something that i did not know before. That last rarely happens.


This a thousand times this.


I am calling dibs on running the market as my personal piggy bank. We can discuss costs on how best to keep loyal freighters from being ganked by rebel scum…

Long live Uber Empress Gloria.


No no no… Long live Gloria Exercitus Caesar!


The real question is; Can anything electronic be alive?

A future where the line blurs between thinking computer algorithms and biological data in our own brains is quickly approaching. We see more powerful machine algorithms every day. Rapid progress in coming decades will bring about machines with human-level intelligence capable of speech and reasoning, with a myriad of contributions to society. The birth of inorganic intelligence will profoundly affect humankind’s future.

Another way to pose this philosophic question; What will become of Eve Online, once it is alive?

Fly safe o7

:rofl: You missed a lot and the best times!

You also missed the best teachers. CCP drove them out as well. How do you think I learned? I feel bad for you if you feel discriminated against because you can’t find a good teacher. Pay for my accy’s and I’ll gladly teach you all I know!

Half of what I learned was from my own experience. You should try that. :wink:

Edit; Forgot to add that I have been good naturedly abused on the forums for giving out tips and tricks! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Miner life in New Eden is a passion, we don’t mine to semi-afk on purpose, Blame is found elsewhere and not the Miner for why there is downtime between mining lazer cycles.

Well I’d have to guess that’s more the exception than the rule. Were you in the outer reaches of Amarr low sec?

It will block the Frostpacker clan for misbehaving. :eyes:



A eutopia where machines are our friends and servants, living in symbiotic harmony in a future where we can all hold hands and sing Kumbaya… I don’t believe a word of it. If there is a lesson we can learn since the invention of the wheel is that human beings would rather use innovation to slaughter other human beings rather than make their lives better.
Our parents were made to dream about the 2000’s as a time of joyful future where humanity would have a base on the moon and cars would hover. Nothing of the sort happened and the same thing is happening again now, “bright future” bait’n’switch.


Nope, a few jumps out from Dodixie.

You can have the north-east sector to lord over when I rule Eve :slight_smile:

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