Is everyone lawyer now?

Absolutely not. I am not paid by Wikimedia, and I have no obligation to improve the quality of their website. I am however more than willing to edit it for free, adding false information in order to discredit them and encourage people to use another source.

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Some people here like to claim things without checking them first.

eg someone here literally affirmed “correlation does imply causation” while quoting an article that explicitly states the opposite.

That’s the reason why you always need to check the sources.

We don’t have miranda rights.


In that case, I confess. It was me who wrecked the ship. :~( but I am sorry and want a discount on my sentence.

No plea bargaining allowed.


Woah, asking people to prove their points is now looked down as something bad. Impressing.

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Apparently the concept of the burden of proof is unknown to some, this normally happens in General Discussion.

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Opinions are not facts hence why they don’t feel the need to provide evidence.

Except when they claim to not be opinions.

When someone says “correlation does imply causation” it’s not an opinion. It’s stupidity.
Same when someone says “PCU is going down, and the recent patches did not make it go up, therefore the recent patches are the only responsible for making it go down”.

Claiming “Something stupid is correct because it’s an opinion” is just wrong. People can have stupid opinion. People can make mistakes, can ignore parts of the problem, can ignore they can make mistakes.

If only you’d heed your own advice.


Say sorry and don’t do it again.


I say sorry. And promise I will not do it again. :wink:


Which I often do. I try to check the sources when people claim things.

He means when you claim things.


This might blow your mind, but most people actually don’t do that. Using a search engine is an actual skill bosses look out for in their employees.

I wish I was kidding, but seriously … I’m not.


I probably would believe you were kidding if I hadn’t read some of the stories on r/talesfromtechsupport. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, have a look at some of the sub’s “Greatest Hits”:

Honestly, the stories on that sub will make anyone even remotely competent at using a computer feel like a tabletop game player (which I am) reading the tale of Luke, Plagueson of Nurgle (which I did).

I just…how. How can people be so inept at using a computer?! Is it a function of their shitty personalities or something?

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Because as long as you don’t work with clients and UI you learn generic things that you believe always apply.
They don’t.

Really? Would you be willing to elaborate?

People have very different vision of the same thing.
Even when you develop something, colleagues may not understand what you did and why you did it. So for people who barely use a computer tool for their job, sometimes a very old they can’t install anything on …

Yes, some clients are self-entitled bitches. But if you can’t accept that there are people who know nothing about computers, and have the right to, and you have no right to judge them, it likely means you lack experience in the topic.