Is Hisec ganking good for the game?

I’ve largely just batted posts back - I’ve largely avoided being mean to people 1-2 exceptions aside which were beyond well deserved. You’ve not seen me take the gloves off…

Cept you count anything but agreeance with you as trolling LOL.

Oof, look at that passive aggressiveness. Or maybe they simply don’t take the opinion of a dude who hasn’t played for seven years seriously :smiley:

TLDR Hi Sec ganking is good for the game.

I just um. Dude I just straight chortled out loud reading this. This is the height of internet hilarity :smiley:

Im just really unclear on what it is you are trying to achieve.

Let me give you a little demonstration… just one of my so called failed ganks in your book amounts to almost 10 times your entire career in Eve…

That just boils down to:

I’m just poking … with … asinine logic …

That is, by your own admission, you’re one of the “some”.

You are just playing yourself as much as anyone else.

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Me - nothing - I merely dropped by as I usually do every 6-12 months to see what has been going on on the forums - dropped a quick comment based on the context of ganking due to regularly hearing frustration from a number of people who’ve tried and quit the game who generally seem like, or I know from playing with them in other games, would have otherwise stuck with Eve. And would have been long gone if not for some of the **** posting I got in reply.

Just as long as we are clear on the reasons, wouldnt want to have got that wrong.

Btw your reply to Gix needs a bit more… Everything if its supposed to be mean and scathing. Youre just going to get more piss taken out of you for that.


That assumes I didn’t know what I was doing - if you read back the linked posted before you can see it was an intentional post on my part. But people seem quick to misrepresent what I’m saying for their own ends.

It isn’t in my nature to be mean and belittling towards people - it was just a taster that I can do so.

No assumption needed. It’s your own words.

Yeah Id say stick to being nice.

As I said refer back to the linked earlier post I made - it makes it clear I knew what I was doing.

Still that doesn’t allow to be insulting and mean to anyone

Maybe take some of your own advice.

(Too subtle?)

ROFL. That is gloves off? Gee. I’m um. Scared. So scared bro. Please, please no more sir. I simply can’t take the scathing rebukes anymore. Your words cut like diamonds found upon the night sand. Your words shine like the midnight sun burning over the Artic. Verily, I am humbled by your words which surely make mine dross?

My own advice? I know Im a hyocrit, I make no bones about that at all. Id like people to be nice but they wind me up with their stupidity.

(Subtle to the point of no substance and easily turned around on you)

Nah the subtlety was that I knew the point you were trying to make, aimed at trying to belittle my little teaser, but instead misrepresented what you were saying with a literal take on the words.

I wasn’t suggesting you should take your own advice.

You’ve turned precisely nothing on me.

What? What on earth does this mean? I was talking about your “mean” comment to Gix, the thread is going to turn that on you and beat you over the head with it.

It was friendly advice.

Im so confused. Are you drinking ?

Might want to spell it out next time then instead of bundling it in with the same reply to my point about being too subtle - which it plainly was. The too subtle comment being aimed at the way I intentionally played dense with the way you meant the post.