Is it a good idea for Frostline to be in one system per constellation?

But why? Sci fi has always been about the glowy things. Star wars has glowing swords. Star trek has glowing… everything… battlestar has glowing cylon parts. In eve we play the part of immortal demi-gods with a theoretical understanding of sanity at best. Who’s personal wallets rival that of entire star systems… frankly given the setting the skins available are downright bland.

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Fair enough

Before skins there was jungle como paint…in space, trust me this current sparkly weak sauce is better than that.

No space game, movie or tv show ever did space como for a reason it being most idiotic thing one can do good riddance.

“Voyager now in desert como paint to hide from borg sensors” said no one ever.

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I wish there was more space camo skin. The pirate camo skin for the mining frigates look awesome, especially when you’re taking them out in low sec.

Yeah, I like to ninja sites in low sec and wormholes. But if there’s only one site per constellation, it’s going to be easy to camp for prey. I might duck into wormholes if it gets really bad.

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An asteroid SKIN would be good I guess.

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one per constellation , typically retarded…

Yet people paint Shark mouths on fighters. I’m pretty sure they also painted aggressive things on tanks.

I want glowing eyes implants and glowing clothes.

If you go rub a bunch of Radium on your clothes you can glow now.

Thanks, but I would prefer not to get cancerous tentacles growing out of me in the process. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The halloween event was nice because 1> I needed an Avatar skin and 2> the sites were plentiful so not too much time wasted traveling and finding a site was already taken. Except that mining for the ore was a chore so most of my event booster blueprints are worthless. But if you do the math on reward/hour it is much more profitable to mine in a rorqual (or several) and buy the event awards from the market.

If CCP is planning to limit the event sites to a single system per constellation I’ll likely get the low tier rewards and then forget about it. CCP needs to think whether the event design should punish players for living in high population regions, or whether they want to make the event accessible & fun.

They reduce the sites for vni ratting per system and the event is 1 per constellation both those things are telling people to spread out.

Normally games follow the higher risk, higher effort = higher reward model. With 1 location per const, it would seem that CCP is going with high risk, frustrating levels of effort = an excellent chance to have someone else scoop your reward.

Perhaps they worked some interesting way around this to encourage people to participate rather than blow the holiday event off.

On the other hand, if this concentrates hunters and prey in a convenient, known location, it will be interesting to see how many of the PvP-focused, “I’m just looking for some fun action” types target other hunters, and how many go for the easiest, weakest targets.

Pretty sure I already know which way that’s gonna split.

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