Is it just me or is FW full of absolute Sweats

Is it just me or is FW full of absolute Sweats?
If we take away the bot’s and multi boxing LP farmers, it seems that what’s left is a bunch of older experienced players that are absolute PVP Tryhards. I am not saying this is a bad thing but its certainly frustrating. It seems that everyone is flying around in Tech 1 frigs with full sets of high-grade implants, drugs and bling modules…everyone is trying sooo hard to get every possible advantage just to win frig fights. You can be sure that the Punisher sitting in the scout plex is either bait or its brick tanked to max with full set of high grate slaves in.

Maybe its just me but it seems like if someone is willing to take the fight its because they have a trick up their sleave or they perceive they have an overwhelming advantage.

Now maybe I’m just bitching but it certainly makes for highly competitive yet frustrating experience.

Welcome to EVE Online.


Punishers are ALWAYS bricktanked. That’s nothing new, and they are always bait.


There’s a few true noobs, but yeah there does seem to be quite a large amount of high skill point pilots flying around, including me. I’m not using drugs or blinged out pwnwagons but I do fit what I think will win.

I don’t think it’s really a bad thing. The newbros can join corps and get taught how to do it right by the bitter vets and if the farmers stay in the NPC corp and never get better? Doesn’t bother me. I don’t like the sheer power of some of the faction ships, which are basically cheaper HACs and AFs with T1 resists. And I really can’t stand the Insurgency thing that lets every pirate corp play with their bubbles and dictors and turn lowsec into the worst thing about nullsec.

Yeah this is what I am saying. Its not a bad thing but there really are a lot of vets that really know what they are doing in FW. Its a bit like real life, people who like fighting only like to fight because they know they are good at it and are more likely to win.

I am in Angle FW myself so the pirates, I think it should only be the pirates that made it corruption 5 that are allowed to bubble once the system goes lawless not any Tom, Dick or Harry. You find its not the Angles that are bubbling but outsiders who come in to take advantage.

As someone who does fw i would love to know who it is you’re fighting. I’m lucky to find green and maybe a cheep fitting implant on my kills.


No one says you have to take a Frigate into FW. You also don’t have to fly solo.

Find a few buddies to run FW sites with. It will make a huge difference.

Instead of being baited, you can also bait them.

FW is where people go to PVP. While there is PVP in all parts of space, the FW systems including pirate systems, are where PVP is expected 24/7.

Maybe try out low sec where you can run into soloers and small groups. Might be less intense for you.

Remember, the greatest part of Eve is that every session you learn more. You might get destroyed this week but in a few weeks ,with better skills and better fits, you might be doing the destroying!

Good luck! See you out there! S!

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