Is it normal?

A while ago,shortly after pearl abyss bought ccp some speculated i would be a pearl abyss employee because of my posts…i have no interest in that :stuck_out_tongue:

But this is a good example how some people think and how easy they are manipulated… :stuck_out_tongue:

Didn’t I read in a recent patch notes that the NPC mining fleets were getting nerfed? Regardless, you should probably look around for a better group of systems to mine. I see players mining belts in the wee hours of the morning all the time, so the ore is out there.

Dealing with the NPC mining fleet is extremely simple. All you have to do is take a single shot at one of them, immediately warp back to a station and dock up, wait 2 minutes, then warp back to that same belt and they will no longer be there…

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exactly! For a whole damn 15 minutes! WOW


Then what about the players that are not new, or low level, but want to play in High sec because they want to avoid PvP as much as possible?

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Saying this repeatly does not make it true,regardless how hard you try…

But what you forget eve is not your traditional mmo it´s a sandbox game why should when then ■■■■■■■ have like all mmos where hig sec is low level area and low sec med mid level and null be high level. Then it stops being sandbox.

I mean how the ■■■■ would GTA look like if the whole damn city was split in to low,mid and high level sections. The best part with a Sandbox game is there is no ■■■■■■■ level or location restriction I can go do what ever when ever I feel like it I can go day one and make billions in a bank robbing in GTA or what ever.

Trying to hide everything away in null sec is just pure ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ and removes the ■■■■■■■ reason with sandbox and you end up becoming a run of the mill MMO like WoW and ■■■■ with there low mid and high level zone.

If you want more pvp make it simple remove hig and low sec and make everything accessible everywhere just like real ■■■■■■■ sanbox games.

He doesn’t want any PvP at all, at least not in the part of the game that he plays in. He’s been pushing his agenda for years, which in short is for highsec to essentially become a separate part of the game where the mythical masses can farm without interruption.

Despite being told by people from all walks of Eve life, predator and prey alike, that it would break the game, and in all likelihood fail to attract the masses of players that he claims will come if CCP did so, he keeps pushing it and ignores all argumentation against it.


There is no ‘sandbox contain’ in completely favoring the pvp playstyle…you simply cannot do ‘what you want’ you are actually hindered in that by being blowed up by the only playstyle that is spoiled for years here aka pvp…a playstyle that actually suffers nothing from blowing up people multiple times…they just come with an alt and pick up the loot…

That’s what some people really do not understand…that there are people out there that don’t WANT to pvp…pvp is spoiled hard for 15 years in this game so in their mindset pvp is king and ‘all others are just pvp content’…

Time for a change here…

BS stays BS even if many people tell you it’s pure gold dude…

BTW your rant is funny…it shows your own lack of fantasy and how one dimensional your brain works…

Things can be changed dude…and you ranting about the mere POSSIBILITY it could is really funny…

yeah it would destroy the game but im kind of sick that ccp put´s allot of the great stuff in null not because I don´t want to pvp or live risky but because putting all high end ■■■■ there makes the game just a run of the mill crap. In where all high end stuff is for all the level 99 people and horded by the big guilds.

Eve boats about open ended sandbox, well all sandbox games I played allows me to do high end or low end ■■■■ when ever where ever. All im saying it should be a bit more balanced sure majority of the stuff could be in null/wh sapce but there should still be some nice stuff in low and hic sec making it worth while where every you want to live and not where the devs and pvpers want you to live because then it removes the so called freedom.

So far it´s nice as it is meybe a bit more polishing would not hurt have level 5 in null but keep the level 4 and ■■■■ in high have moon mining stuff but for T2 moon ■■■■ that´s null.

And all this bigger risk = bigger reward is ■■■■■■■■ becuse with a huge corp/alliance your safer than in high sec so in the end it is more very very low risk = massive reward.

Sure things can change but knowing CCP the past 14 years seeing all their little projects being abadon left and right I have 0 hopes for anything CCP does I mean lets see here.

Incarna, abandon
Dust 514, shut down and abandon
World of darkness online, Cancelled
Project Legion, Cancelled
Eve: The Second Genesis, Cancelled
Project Nova, Cancelled

it´s not that I have no fantasy it´s just I live in the reality that CCP have dreams they never follow thru with.

Things can change but looking at CCP and their promises well thing can change but I don´t ■■■■■■■ believe it until I bloody see it. Less talking more action.

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You did.

Did those sandbox games need a working player driven market?

And then they respawn. It is actually out of hand, because if you keep shooting them then you end up being hunted by faction navy also. You can’t drive them off like you can a player.

Genuine question - who is that ?

It’s the chancellor? from V for Vendetta.

No it would only destroy YOUR game,and isn’t it a phrase in eve that great reward comes along with great risk? You can NOT argue for having the big rewards in high,high should be low level stuff and IF(i repeat IF,nobody forces you to do it) you want more you have to swallow the hook and enter the more risky zones…but high should be off limits for any kind of ‘risk’…

This wouldn’t ‘destroy’ the game,it just would encourage people that see eve as ‘a chill after work’ and not as a second job to join again…CCP has driven so many of those people out with so many bad decisions in the past without even knowing what they did wrong.

The spotlight that shines on their absolute helplessness is the current patch which falls from ONE(part of a pve favor the last few patches) extreme straight into the other(COMPLETE PVP favor,current patch).

Obviously they have no clue what to do and that’s really sad because the ship was on a good course but said pve adjustments were simply half baked and didn’t nearly go far enough…

And now,instead of keeping the course they do a 180° turn right on a colission course with the iceberg…

Maybe I’m going a bit off topic, but I’m just wondering @Darlo_Kubika. Why do I see you posting on a new alt each time I come back to the forums after an EVE break?

I mean, your writing style and point of view are recognisable enough that everyone knows it’s you. I think one of the alts was Balos?

Anyway, I’m interested to know why you keep making new alts to post on the forums, instead of making it easier for everyone and sticking to one character?

It’s my 5th alt in 15 years.

I deleted an account with 2 pilots on it a year+ ago and have the habit to sweep clean my mess after it…that’s all…

Okay, makes sense. Just a bit confusing to know who’s who, when people swap names. :stuck_out_tongue: