People do play as nomads. My first corp in EVE was nomadic. It’s not an easy way to play. Your game time is by turns boring (vast swathes of emptiness in nullsec when you’re wondering when you’ll see another face in local) punctuated by moments of sheer terror (meeting gate camps), sprinkled with those rare moments of elation (when you escaped a gate camp), and shadowed all around by “what ifs” (should I have asset safety my loot back two systems ago?)
But, the rewards are memorable, and in many cases cannot be taken from you. The first time you BS your way out of a sticky situation, or traveling to a far distant system and seeing Cloud Ring up close for the first time, or going to the EVE Gate and dropping a can with your name on it…can be wonderful experiences.
When I was a new player I went to Curse. That trip is one of my favorite memories of EVE, and no one can take it from me.
People have smart bombed me, I’ve been caught in gate camps, caught unawares belt ratting, the list goes on. I lost ships; but, I don’t lose the memories.
You’ll want to learn how to travel through worm holes, make safe spots, learn the timing on logging off (so you can do it safely in a busy system.
I’d go with a cloaky ship, personally, and pack a mobile depot, so you can refit depending upon what you want to do. Check the ingame map, and zkill for activity when you’re planning a move. Be flexible, you can avoid a lot of losses, if you just take your time.
Remember there are no guarantees of open markets where you will be, so if you stop somewhere cause you like the scenery you may pay outrageous prices for items that are common in highsec. Archer is right about blueprints, I’ve carried them for ammo, and shuttles. Also, some items may be simply unavailable on a local market, so if I thought I was staying long enough in an area I have sometimes put up market orders on otherwise unobtainable items. If you pay enough, chances are someone will accept the contract.
And one more thing, just cause that nice npc station is empty when you dock there, it doesn’t mean when you next log in, it will be empty. So, make your instaundock bookmarks before you log off.
If you are serious about this, I’d practice a bit in highsec first. Just learning to make do with the local market can be a learning experience. I have a velator with lazers on it, somewhere, cause I scanned down a ded one, in an area with no market to speak of at all, and I had a scanning ship with no gun. So, “I boarded my corvette” bought the lazers and a damage control and an afterburner and after a few hair-raising moments docked with 40 million in loots. The thought of that velator still puts a smile on my face.
If you do this, it will change your perspective on EVE in ways you can’t imagine now. I got hooked on EVE, while on that Curse trip I wrote of earlier. I got chased through I don’t know how many systems in Scalding Pass, up though Cache by Russians. I was flying “blind” and they were “coursing me”. There were three at all times. Successfully eluding them changed EVE for me, forever.
That’s another memory that can’t be taken from me.
Best of luck.