Is there any point in mining?

Is EVE lacking so much in content that we have to bully the carebears off their comfort zone? Or have you ran out of targets that you can actually kill?

Sad times indeed.


A few hours passively moon mining rare ore (yours or others, doesn’t matter) can plex a couple accounts.
Having a dedicated mining/manufacturing/trading character or account has always been worth it.
When your PvP character mysteriously finds blocks of 10 FREE ships at a time in his hanger ready to be fitted and boarded for action, its a wonderful thing.

Mining is low isk/per hour in absolute values, sure. But it’s very good secondary activity, because it require much less input than others. I do mining missions for about 25-30 mil per hour while reading forums or watching youtube clips on second monitor. 30 mil per hour laughable income even for alpha player doing VNI ratting, but 30 mil per 10 minutes of actual input is not bad.

I can even do it, while running Sansha incursions or doing some slow paced PvP, gate camp for example.

Because of low input needed, mining can be easily multiboxed without any forbidden software, and isk/hour in this case become very competitive with other activities, even in highsec areas. Not my cup of tea, though.

I have spent years playing EVE Online as a miner. It’s not the exciting style of gameplay as doing PvP roams in FYAD frigates. But as with many TRUE miners (not the waves of bots) I find it to be both an enjoyable, and profitable, career.

To the OP:

Think outside the box. Your skills to fly and use an orca, are the same required to fly a porpoise. The porpoise and the expedition frigates are perfect for jumping into a wormhole for some fast, risky, mining opportunities. Look at how you can fit your ships for PvP, i.e., bait. Nothing says screw you, like tackling your would-be ganker, neuting his cap, and melting his hull with your combat drones. I have a buddy that does it occasionally with a bait noctis, oh the salt he mines…

Don’t worry about what people say about mining. It’s not a glamorous profession in the game, but it is a necessary one. Those supers and titans just don’t build themselves.


I occasionally mine with Orca + Skiff alt whenever i need minerals to build T1 ships, modules ammo and stuff. I do get bored really fast (2 hours) if not played with some other people.

I had one weekend a bunch of corp mates on TS, i said, who wants to mine a little bit, and we spent like 6 hours mining and chatting on TS, telling jokes and so on. Didn’t get bored at all. It’s the same with other things, sometime i like roaming in WHs to find kills, sometimes i camp a gate with 2-3 guys, sometimes i do escalations or ratting. Sometimes i go to fleets or small gang teams.

Depends on what you like and how you feel , for myself i prefer variety but keep in mind that doing stuff with other people enables most of the fun in this game unless you are a lonely person and really like to do stuff on your own.

Is there any point in …?

C’mon people this is VIDEOGAME, everything makes sense if you are having fun when you do it, even miing, ship spinning, exploaration …

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I’m in the process of using skill extractors to remove all mining skills from my main then skill injecting to refocus. I will never mine again.

Can I have your mining ships please ?

Bots (are, or used to be) a problem in eve, they could out mine any human. So prices of ore dropped and markets are pretty well stocked usually. One of the reasons running level 4s or incursions is usually better isk per hour if that matters.

I have a few mining alts, now mostly alpha clones as I have cut back. But like others have said the orca is useful corp tool, ability to move and boast, and boosting can be cross trained into command ships eventually, with is useful, also, being able to supply yourself and corps is what makes you money.

Just make sure to tank your ship. Untanked ships are ganked. As for a reason that is up to you and Corp needs.

Everyone out in null can out mine and outproduce you.They get better infinite ore better ships rorquals and better stations

That’s… the point ? Even if someone is mining deep within Goon or TEST space, under the good super umbrella and at least 70+ people ratting with super carriers in the same system, it’s still nullsec.

So the pattern of risk vs reward is still there. So it’s normal anyone mining in null should have access to the best ships, such as the Rorqual.

So it’s normal they should have the best anomalies, because you have to work everyday to maintain your Industrial Index high enough to keep having those delicious anomalies bothering you.

So it’s normal they should get access to the best Upwell structures, because having a fleet of super capitals with support dropping on your little Raitaru is not the same than the regular highsec bashing fleet.

And it’s also quite normal that nullsec can out produce other security areas, since if your corporation doesn’t have an active market or buyback program, you still have to haul everything out.


My point was mining is a useless grind for the little guy OP is better off picking something else if he wants to make decent isk like DED sites/exploration.
Also there is no risk in delve

Bomber bar. And just so you know, Delve is not a magical place with every gate under camp, and each system with cyno jammers. So it’s easy to do potshot at oblivious ratters/miners.

And just for your information, this is Delve zkillboard page, and you can see that the most valuable kills in the recent week are Rorquals, Jump Freighters and even an Hel killed by Dreadnoughts, so it’s not impossible to reach Delve and shoot capitals.

Of course, a solo player yoloing in with a Faction titan and cyno alts will die, but that’s the whole point : Goons (and the Imperium in general) worked to carve themselves a good piece of the south nullsec, and it’s logical they are going to defend it. Crying because they have a lot of capitals won’t change the situation.

Also : it’s your opinion that Delve is without risk. But the game still consider it as a nullsec region, which mean they still have the risk vs reward system. Jus in case, that was what I tried to explain in my first comment.

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Delve is nullsec farmland don’t shove the odd afk people dying as example of risk.Rats are prob killing more than players

Never said it wasn’t a farmland. And what make you think those people were AFK ? Maybe they were on their computers, asking anybody nearby for help. A PVE fitted ship, even an Hel, have very bad odds of winning against a PVP capital fleets supported by tacklers and E-WAR ships.

My point still stand : the game doesn’t give a ■■■■ about the amount of capitals parked in the same region, or whatever can be called a defensive thing : Delve is nullsec, risk vs reward is at its highest, because having 100 titans easy to bridge entire fleets two systems nearby doesn’t affect the security status of a system.

You act like the defence fleet is a magical entity like concord that sprinkles saftey on everything.

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