Is this viable for a support ticket?

If I happen to lag (I have had internet troubles before) or maybe even hit something after decloaking and bump off, I could spend a few seconds vulnerable.

XD I see how that could be a problem, but that’s not quite what happened here…
I would NEVER go AFK in that Sunesis, even when empty, because I am a wartarget and Suneses make really nice ganking targets on top of that.

This makes me very happy that most of the stuff I cared about (the T2 AB, some of the guns, a bunch of ammo, the ship, the rigs, and those tags) didn’t drop.

Update: no reimburse :frowning:

Drop your sub (make sure to choose the proper category in the drop-down—there’s one specifically for ship loss), take a screenshot, and reply to the ticket with it as an attachment.

I guess there’s also a chance that they saw this thread, so nothing that you do would work.

I tend to think that honesty is more important than 150 mil. Even if it was a billion, it still isn’t worth it to lie.

I lost 500mil pod because I was multiboxing more clients than my PC could have handled and when someone activated my KR and killed my thrasher, that client froze completely so I couldn’t warp out. But ultimately I didn’t ask for reimbursed and accepted that loss. Shouldn’t have try to multibox that many and should have bought more RAM (which I did after that).

You need to learn to accept the loss even if it was caused by something you could not really control. Your connection lagging/dying completely, electricity loss, your dog eating your mouse and what else.

Idk I can’t understand this reimbursing. People are so weak nowadays, we weren’t begging Blizzard to resurrect our HC characters in Diablo2 when we died to lag or any of the above. That didn’t even strike our minds back then.

To me, losing stuff in EVE is nothing. Much worse if you get disconnected during a ranked LoL match - not only you lose the match, but you ■■■■ it for 4 other players too.

you’ve already lied itt . claiming lag and that you researched the rats .

later admitting you were aligning and seeing how long you could test your tank .

the only truth was your surprise when they pointed you … :smiley:

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I did not do that. I gave that as an example.

This was the passage you were referring to?
Why in Hek would I choose to test this with my full freighter? Where’s the logic there?

Apart from attacking rats that you had to look up.

Doesn’t sound dumb to me, sounds like the point won the fight for them.

Nope, else people would use it to dupe items. You know, by packing their ships full of expensive items, getting blown up by rats and crying to CCP for reimbursments.

You attacked something, you got your ass kicked, learn and move on.
Don’t go crying and begging for reimbursments for being beaten by the game.

Fair enough.

This is a very good point.

But it was expensiiiiive :frowning:

Yeah, sorry mate, that was a tough loss for sure.
But we wouldnt play games like Eve if they were easy right?

I wish you luck in recovering!

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Thank you sir. Some pirate yesterday named Yursh (after killing my 5m isk Slasher) bought 38 RFMSEs from me at a pretty amazing price for me, which netted me about 250 mil isk and let me trade 114,000 LP for that 250M profit. An insane margin.

I lost five mil of Slasher, and then sold the guy 496M of equipment, direct to lowsec.
And then another guy donated me 100 mil for just fighting him, being nice, and being an alpha clone. I fought him like 6 times, lost once, drew five times. I seem to owe new players 110 million isk. A guy named jstud Ovaert (or something similar) did the same thing to me a couple years ago. We still talk, and I have since given 200+ million to new players. I just love the community of this game.

I also killed a couple juicy Slicers that help replace some of the lost loot.

Thanks for the concern, and happy hunting!

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forum test

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