Looking for Members.
NewBros and Alphas Welcome.
Alpha Onboarding program is available to those interested.
Relaxed atmosphere, be as active as you like, RL comes first.
Moons to mine
Orca Boosts
Local Market
90% High Sec BuyBack Available for quick profits
Large BPO Library available for copies
Lvl 4 Missions Available at HQ Location
Logistics fleet available
For the industry-minded, we’ve got multiple moons on tap, and all the industrial services you could possibly need.
Traders are more than welcome to hop on board as well!
New player training is available! With our experienced pilots whether it’s Industry, PI, Mining, PVE, or Exploration.
Friendly down-to-earth corp that enjoys helping people experience the game to its fullest!
Always accepting New To Eve Pilots, Veteran players who are looking to relax and take it easy, Industrialists, PVE & PVPer’s are welcome as well. All play styles are welcome so hop into our DS or message me in game.