Isnt it finally time to NERF Incursions?

I was an incursion pilot for about 14 months on and off, during that time I was a fleet commander for one of the major high security space communities (Late US & AUTZ). I love incursions, if you get into the right circles you will meet some interesting people.

Now let’s be honest, I think incursions are far too easy. In my 14 odd months, I personally lost my own ship once. The irony was, I was the FC at the time (one of my last fleets before I quit), tired and warped logi out of a True Creations Research Centre while I was still scrammed. It did not end well!

The pilots I lost died for many reasons. Including but not limited to: going AFK, not paying attention, leroying, lying about fit/skills, being drunk/under the influence ( I saw one FC lose 1/4 of his fleet in a TCRC for that one), flying at war, logi or FC error or muting coms.

A special mention to one guy who took his A-Type Vindi to an asteroid belt to get his 10k sp… he ran into some Sansha’s Nation Battleships during the 10k skill points for your first kill of the day event. :laughing:

I think incursion AI should receive a major overhaul. Remove the current influence mechanics, instead make the spawns heavier, make waves more dynamic based on fleet size and constellation activities. The fact that I can remember so much about HQ sites even though I haven’t touched one in almost 10 months is proof that they are too static.

But let’s be honest here, if you know what you’re doing you can make more isk/hr than your average HQ fleet in a carrier, or super in null security space with a hell of a lot less risk. If I was to place a bet, I would suggest that the OP knows this and is either a super/carrier ratter who wants to divert attention away from the fact that in some areas of space they make stupid amounts of isk, or alternatively they just want to rant.