It Can't Be That Hard!


There’s also one for lazy people. I think both may be needed here.

Funnily enough that never happened to me. At least, not yet.


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Same here, but hey … you know how it goes.
These guys see “victims” everywhere.

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I was never attacked in-game over forum posts, and I have also never used “forum alt”…

Guess I am not an asshole solstice accused me to be :stuck_out_tongue:

Idk. People make a fuzz about everything,
especially when it comes to self-responsibility.

People used to get attacked for shitposting way more in the past.

Nowadays having a victim complex and projecting it onto everyone seems to be the norm,
especially for people from the US. Yeah, really, I’m not kidding. It’s completely nuts.

Anyhow, how did we even get to this?

Let’s listen to Miner Stories!



Don’t ask me I wish I knew myself xD

If there is anything that I’ve learned from my slightly over a year in Eve is that the game is full of people trying to scam the game in their favor. In the forums it appears in the as alts “genuinely” complaining or arguing for things they know are bad for the game.

It depends on who you deal with. I know it can happen, happened to me that someone wanted to have a fight in the game. Of course I took the fight but then the fight did end in both of us having a chat when we warped to the sun. So technically not kicking a butt, but its only because I have such great ideas like warping in a frigate with fireworks launcher.

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Every bit as reasoned and eloquent as we’ve come to expect from you, Nic…

Thank you.


I miss signatures…



I have probably stayed too long when I tend to know who is who with or without the info being right there in front of me. Yeah asshats of various types exist and yes there are trolls in rookie help chat.

Neither is relevant to the question at hand. Why was it removed, coding or social pressure.
Is it important enough to demand that it be added in?



They had that back when they hosted their own forums. IIRC they outsourced that to discourse.

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CCP cut cost. Thats the explanation what happened with change of forums, they did not even change the shape and dimension of default avatars to classic square ones like they were always in game and on forums. They still cut costs. These forums are so cheap looking, the notifications bug persists… :psyccp:

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It really can be ‘that hard.’ For a while during the run-up to these forums, I was under the impression we’d have to make new accounts. They were happy to announce SSO integration.

No one ever attacked me because of forum posting. And I certainly post enough.
So… citation needed?
Because evidence does not support this.

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I’m honestly bewildered as to why (optional) corp/alliance tags aren’t a feature on these forums like they were with the last two versions, and the same goes for signatures.

Eh, that happens too, but assholes getting hunted down for their behavior probably occurs more often.

Your personal experience doesn’t support it. I think there’s not enough verifiable evidence one way or the other to definitively prove it, but I can certainly believe it happens.

In the absence of objective data subjective anecdotes are the best data we have, and are valid data points to support a view.
And all the anecdotes we do have say it doesn’t happen. Might it have ever happened once ever in the history of millions of EVE players? Possibly. Even probably. But it does not happen enough to use as any basis for people’s forum behaviour.

The very first time I posted here on my main character, a perfectly innocuous little question, someone put a million isk bounty on my head (I didn’t know bounties were irrelevant then) - how’s that for an in-game response to a forum post ?