It simply doesn't make sense

Please stop, its just silly now

A battleship is around 10x bigger than a destroyer. This isn’t that much of a difference, and it’s certanly not ants vs a cat. Also I’m pretty sure it takes them a lot more than 2 seconds.

And this ships are purpose built to be suicide glass cannons. I’m petty sure you can kill any tank with a couple bicycles, if they all bring a rocket launcher to the fight.

Yeah, I don’t believe you.


so you would be upset if 10 real life destroyers sank a dreadnaught class battleship??


How does a cheap <1 ton wood & canvas plane sink the entire Italian battleship fleet?

The British and Japanese know.

The only absurd part about your story is the police turn up.


“Quantity has a quality of its own”.


I feel conflicted. On one hand, I am tempted to respond to your incredibly bad analogy by pointing out what the historical role of destroyers has been in naval warfare. On the other hand, I don’t know if you’re smart enough to understand anything other than that you should have bought a permit.

lol how well do you thing a real world aircraft carrier on its own would fair against a several tiny planes with ASMs?


A real world aircraft carrier would be more concerned about the three man inflatable dingy bearing down on it that they know full well will bump it miles off course.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Or the level of respect an island was giving them when the island refused to get out of their way.

If you’re losing a capital class hull outside a big cap fight you’re probably lacking the necessary preparation, the actual player skill and/or a victim to the rare person who’s incredibly capable.

If you think player skill is simply pressing buttons or knowing damage types and tracking, you’re fundamentally misunderstanding that in Eve, 90% of the fight happens before the first shot is fired.

You make an abysmal argument about how an unarmed hauler flown without care should be able to repel coordinated criminal activity.

You can’t buy safety because bigger is not better in EVE.

Besides, someone has already whinned about this:
Capital ships should be capital - hull/gun size damage penalty multiplier - EVE Technology and Research Center / Player Features & Ideas - EVE Online Forums

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I was under the impression that that’s just a regular Sunday afternoon in Eve.


Maybe you should try to pilot spaceships - not tanks.

Dust is over there in the archives, and may have been more to your liking.

–Gadget misses messing with Dust Bunnies

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@Macaina You lost 10v1, exactly how entitled are you?

im sorry what are you doing on Sunday afternoons and can I have some? I would love to see the fit of these 10 BBs that are killing titans in 3 seconds llol

IOW you got overconfident and reality stroke you back. Welcome to eve.

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It was a joke along the lines of “ships getting blown up, business as usual”.

If you spend those billions fitting your ship poorly, where as the 10 gankers have optimized fits for their’s, that’s not stupid. That you being bad at the game and losing to more skilled players. How can you spend billions plural and not even consider the question “What would I do if I were ganked?”

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