It's that time of the year again!

Happy Holidays…

You know you want to! :wink:



Surely you mean it’s this time of the year.

@Uriel_the_Flame Maybe you should start a poll and find out :wink:

Nah. :blush:

Was worth a shot.

How about this video then

Fits the holiday theme so seems proper. :thinking:

Alrighty then :+1:

I guess if CCP was posting here they would post this one:


Perfectly expresses aching stomach feeling after eating too much gingerbread. :eyes:


@Uriel_the_Flame That video is so crazy that I love it.

Let’s not forget past Season Greetings from the infamous CCP Yule Lads…

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@Sibylla_Gaia_Delphia I didn’t know that Dylan could sing so well. She has a good voice!


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She has a great voice and she’s so intelligent too. A great human being really.


She seems like a very nice person.


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