I've Not Played In Almost 8 Years

How hard will it be for me to get back into the game?

Obviously, I have missed a TON of skill training (I have around 110M SP IIRC, please stop laughing). But I wouldn’t mind playing again if I can find the right group to play with.

Point being, should I consider myself a noob at this point, or can I actually be useful in the new EVE?


Would depend a lot on what you want to DO now and where your SP is allocated in the skill tree how useful you are to various groups and dynamics but 110mil SP and you should be perfectly fine doing a bunch of various things.

The challenge would be on your activities and learning new NPCs and any game changes. Check the update logs for various changes over the years. But honestly its more about your willingness to get your feet wet and jump into the Eve pool again.

Honestly its not scary just takes some time to readjust again. Welcome back.


Yup take some time review EVE 101. Get your bearings. Don’t consider yourself a total noob… Things will come back and you’ll get into the swing of things making ISK.


Appreciate that. The thing I loved about EVE is how welcoming and brutal the game could be at the same time. :smile:

Thanks for the welcome!

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LOL, I just looked at the market and how much the skills I missed out on cost… Holy crap. I had 1.8 B ISK in my account when I left, and that was a lot! Now that’s like the cost of a missile. What has happened to the economy!!!


Massive Inflation
• If you opt to PLEX your account, you get the best PLEX/month rate on 12 or 24-month options. CCP also has frequent 20-25% off PLEX and 20-25% off Omega sales.
• Don’t look at ship prices just yet (sticker shock!), although T1 prices should be coming down a bit.


You may be best off thinking of it as being a “noob with advanced options” for a while. Maybe create a second free account, and trade Recruitment links between your two accounts. Then do the new startup process and some careers and some early missions to get some reflexes back.

Then look up some of the new stuff - Abyssal filaments, Pochven, Homefront Operations, Null Sovereignity changes, Equinox Upwell Hauler ships, etc. and see if any of that interests you.

Yes, many things are significantly more expensive now, but earning potential has also gone up in some activities, and you may find some of your inventory has also gone up in price. Regardless, you’ve got plenty of ISK to start getting back into things if you just keep in mind… don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose.

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I’m seeing that it would make sense for a returning Capsuleer to take advantage of the starter pack that there are many great options to return with ease.

There are weekend packs and a range of starter packs.

Like if i was a returning Capsuleer I would jump on one of those for sure.

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I came back about 2 months ago, still learning. There’s been significant changes even in the year or so I’ve been gone.

By all means, come back to the game !!
Just don’t fly any expensive ships you happen to have in your hangar for a good while, until you have refreshed your knowledge and reflexes.

It’s still the same demanding game, and you’ll be able to discover new layers and new surprises (some of them nasty, even in hisec).

You could even consider making a (free) alpha account and learn from the ground up for a while, if necessary, before you fire up the old omega.

Yes, you can be useful, just not on day 1 :smiley:

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