Using 3 smartbombing ships, you could clear 20-22 sites an hour. just under 300m in payouts alone… another 1-200m in loot.
Maybe, until I fly a cloaky and then bad time for u
Using 3 smartbombing ships, you could clear 20-22 sites an hour. just under 300m in payouts alone… another 1-200m in loot.
Maybe, until I fly a cloaky and then bad time for u
That is what I am trying to point out. The nerf is a bit too much.
I am all in for a balanced game, that is what keeps it interesting, and a challenge. But there should be some good activities in High sec that have a similar return as it is in Null.
I like high sec, I like Null and wormholes as well, and often venture there for exploration. But at times, you wanna stay home, not be on an edge all the time you are online, and make just as much ISK.
But then we would get another thread like the one called “Is this harassment”, lol
I am all in for a balanced game, that is what keeps it interesting, and a challenge. But there should be some good activities in High sec that have a similar return as it is in Null.
Agreed, nullsec is not royalty.
This meme was a proper ‘millennial’ reaction. Bravo…!!
But it’s more dangerous…hence the better rewards…you are not entitled to more rewards for less risk.
But it’s more dangerous…hence the better rewards…you are not entitled to more rewards for less risk.
Very high risk, show up and get 20 titans dropped on you, ‘very risky’ 0_0
Emerging conduits got a big nerf
missions are soon to get all rat bounties removed and a 2% LP increase
FOB rats will soon come into ice mining anoms and mission pockets in system
Incursion mega nerf coming to high sec versions
The players asked and CCP responded.
Emerging conduits got a big nerf
missions are soon to get all rat bounties removed and a 2% LP increase
FOB rats will soon come into ice mining anoms and mission pockets in system
Incursion mega nerf coming to high sec versions
If all that happens thousands will quit the game, any chance you got any links that show that this is in the works?
I can recommend the latest Monthly Economic Report. You can actually check your claims there.
More risk, more reward…that’s EVE.
If you think your defense is located in the MER then you don’t know this game at all…which does explain your position actually.
If you want to earn more, leave HS…if you can’t hack that, leave EVE as it’s not the game for you.
Why would thousands quit a game over iterative changes??
That’s a blatant lie and you know it.
Why would thousands quit a game over iterative changes??
Because if all that becomes true you literally cannot make money.
If you want to earn more, leave HS…if you can’t hack that, leave EVE as it’s not the game for you.
Or we complain until highsec becomes good.
So the problem is multi-boxing again. Kind of like how a pvper will whine about risk adverse pray whilst they use scouting alts to eliminate their own risk. Seems like you’re full of ■■■■. Honestly, if you played this game like it was meant to be played, you’d be making whatever you truthfully made divided by 3. Instead you chose the worst possible way to farm these because you could and only cared about yourself. Also, it takes two to three minutes from completion until spawn and npcs churning out that hole. your numbers, are exaggerated like crazy. You people just want to keep all the wealth to yourselves. I actually ran the sites with other players and even together, as one unit, we did not make that much. most sites we got done in a hour were like 13. And this was pushing down completion times to 5 minutes. not 20. 13. Because of waiting and warp times. Regardless, I have my other methods of maintaining my billions per month, but don’t sit here and bold face lie.
Not always…! How much of a risk is there in doing PI and having someone haul the goods for you to High sec markets? huh??
Risk to reward is a good thing to have, I agree. But consider new players, they have high sec as training wheels for the first few months, maybe more. They need some ISK to take those risks. No point in grinding for a week to get a cruiser and then have it blown up in a minor risk you took, while learning the game. That will discourage them and probably will make them leave the game.
HS is good…you are not. That’s the problem.
There is more risk/rewards doing PI outside HS than in HS…working as intended.
Compare apples to apples.
Sure you can.