Can’t decide if this is funny or boring. I mean, “boo hoo HS is becoming so you can’t afk everything” is pretty funny but it is so repetitive I think it’s boring.
Risk to reward is a good thing to have, I agree. But consider new players, they have high sec as training wheels for the first few months, maybe more. They need some ISK to take those risks. No point in grinding for a week to get a cruiser and then have it blown up in a minor risk you took, while learning the game. That will discourage them and probably will make them leave the game.
People can enjoy the game right away. Stupid lazy ones can’t.
Yes, retention for most hard games is low…the answer isn’t to make it easier as then you don’t have the same game. Devs know that they are making a niche game from the start and factor that accordingly. Don’t like that then go play WoW.
Wardecs were nerfed at the end of 2018 and since then high sec players have been grinding pve like bunnies f-ck. Incursions have been creeping upward in the MER each month and peoples claims of earnings via EC’s have been pretty high. So don’t be surprised if general reward nerfs come along after pvp nerfs and vice versa.
It’s a necessary process.
The good news is, if all you do is grind all day and circle jerk about isk/hour, you’re not contributing much to the game anyways. Your absence probably wont even be noticed. Unsub away.
I totally support this and hereby announce my intention to help make high sec better by increasing the risk of doing all kinds of activities in high sec for everyone in that “Highsec Lobby” channel, in order to keep the risk vs rewards in line with the increased rewards that I’m sure these lobbyists are going to get from CCP Real Soon™.
I won’t just avoid interfering with anyone ganking pilots belonging to the wonderful alliance the OP belongs to. From now on, I’m also willing to actively help anyone wanting to gank them, all in the hope that the increased risk will help CCP see that the demands of these lobbyists are fully justified and highsec rewards need to be increased to compensate…