Join the ingame channel "Highsec Lobby" and help make a better highsec!

Try reading the MER, it’s enlightening. It actually shows where isk is mostly generated and how.

As to my position, it’s usually one of respect for other people’s opinions and knowledge. I accept any play style, yes even CODE, scammers and hisec gate campers as part of the sandbox. It’s of course utopian to wish for all posters to go into a normal, mature discussion of the topic without going into the ad hominem approach. My suggestion about the MER was not intended to sting you, but if it did then htfu or gtfo.

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Read it in the past when needed…it’s not needed now so I have other things I’d rather be doing…

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EVE is one of the longest running MMOs and was sold for half a billion. Sorry, what was your point again?

If you can’t understand my point then the only thing I have to say to you is improve your intelligence

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“Entitled millenials”
Now I understand what kind if people you code cultist behind your accounts are.

They always get so triggered when people want a better game

Calm down miner…go watch some Netfix or something…EVE is hard after all…relax.


Your point is moronic, like you and your ideas…you don’t want a better game, you want an easier game.

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Wardecs were nerfed at the end of 2018 and since then high sec players have been grinding pve like bunnies f-ck.

What can I say its fun, that’s the point of playing after all.

Incursions have been creeping upward in the MER each month and peoples claims of earnings via EC’s have been pretty high. So don’t be surprised if general reward nerfs come along after pvp nerfs and vice versa.

So is the 10k supercarriers farming all day, oh wait that’s the ‘true’ eve online, you better not touch them!

The good news is, if all you do is grind all day and circle jerk about isk/hour, you’re not contributing much to the game anyways. Your absence probably wont even be noticed. Unsub away.

Oh I intend to stay, but I’ll be complaining and organizing my fellow highsec residents to advocate for change, that may cause some bittervets to unsub tho.

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You’re point is moronic, like you and your ideas…you don’t want a better game, you want an easier game.

Easier is better, let’s go back to clone grades because ‘harder’ is so good omg your so smart.

It’s of course utopian to wish for all posters to go into a normal, mature discussion of the topic without going into the ad hominem approach.

Aye that’s harder than utopia, but I admire you striving for such a thing :slight_smile:

try WoW…that might be more your speed…

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I totally support this and hereby announce my intention to help make high sec better by increasing the risk of doing all kinds of activities in high sec for everyone in that “Highsec Lobby” channel, in order to keep the risk vs rewards in line with the increased rewards that I’m sure these lobbyists are going to get from CCP Real Soon™.

I won’t just avoid interfering with anyone ganking pilots belonging to the wonderful alliance the OP belongs to. From now on, I’m also willing to actively help anyone wanting to gank them, all in the hope that the increased risk will help CCP see that the demands of these lobbyists are fully justified and highsec rewards need to be increased to compensate…

In keeping with this spirit I think we should just delete nullsec from the game overnight, imagine the greatness, when everyone logs in and they wake up in the starter system, any assets that were in nullsec at the time of the delete are gone.

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try WoW…that might be more your speed…

nah, more players like me are coming over to eve online, time to make this game great :slight_smile:

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Eve is already great…no need to make it easier for stupid lazy people.

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Eve is already great…no need to make it easier for stupid lazy people.

Problem is you bittervets keep leaving the game, and more and more paying players who want a better game join, so change is inevitable, sorry :frowning:

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I’m not arguing against change. I’m arguing that change shouldn’t be to make it easier for stupid and lazy people. Sorry :upside_down_face:


I’m not arguing against change. I’m arguing that change shouldn’t be to make it easier for stupid and lazy people. Sorry :upside_down_face:

Problem is bittervets call everyone stupid and lazy, so guess the game is gonna be more for those kinds of players. Just adapt, you all did it when you cried for months about skill injectors and the 600+ good changes that ccp has done over the years.

Just remember that we are here, becoming more and more numerous, and learning how to advocate for good change.

Nope…lots of great players and people at all levels. Wrong there…

LOL…working on another scam corp are you Naari…

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Sure, feel free to do whatever you want, be it deleting nullsec or whatever. Not sure how you expect to be able to do that, but hey…

Actually, wait, when you say “we should do this or that” you’re not really talking about you doing anything yourself, are you? You’re just talking about whining on the forums or elsewhere in the hope that someone else will do it for you, right?

Well, sorry, but that’s not what I’m talking about, so what you’re suggesting is in no way “keeping with the spirit” of what I said, because I was talking about what I’ll actually do…

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You’re clueless and I’ve already explained how it’s done.

“it’s a lie because me an my two friends couldn’t do it!” You’re an idiot.