[JS] UserScript - Show Corporation / Alliance

i updated the initial post to now use github for updates to the script

i will leave the links in for now and will soon switch them over to my own website utils.space which will have eve gate / eve who like functionality to show that information :slight_smile:

once i do that, i will also add no-rel tags to the links so tracking is disabled then

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is it possible to give the corp-name a bit more space ? My corpname gets displayed except the trailing number … which gets “abbreviated” by 3 points that are longer than 02 - or at least the same size

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this would make the whole popup wider and i fear this would break the layout :confused:

i could drop the Corporation/Alliance: at the start of the line but that wouldnt help understanding that either, although old forums didnt have that so might as well try this

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I must admit I didnt use my browser’s tools to analyze the popup … but there is a whole lot of space (1/5th of the entire width ) unused … below the [x posts] thing at the right side … there would be enough space to complete most corp names …

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its only unused depending on the topic you are in, if you are the owner of the topic the space is used :smiley:

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Hm … I now took a look using firebug -and I see its a h2 element - which could be broader …

and I dont detect any difference whether I’m only answering - or am the creator of the thread … there is unused space below that [x posts] box … and the h2 gets cut without any reason

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i just updated the script to remove the Corporation/Alliance prefix and made it itallic like the old forums, the title (tooltip) now includes the prefix
i also added the noreferrer tag



As someone who used forum gold this is awesome, that script also added a zkillboard link that was usefull. Idea?

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as described earlier, i will change the links to a different website at some point which will also supply killmail information :slight_smile:

i dont want to bloat the user card at the moment with too many lines and links :wink:


Is this supposed to work in the Firefox scratchpad? And if so, can I get a newbie walkthrough how to make it work there, please?

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nope this requires a browser plugin which enables userscripts :slight_smile:

i added a list of suggested plugins to the initial post, install either tamper or grease monkey for ff and then clicking the installation link should do the rest :slight_smile:

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I been using this and really like this. Works wonderfully.

I wrote a simple edit to the avatars on posts, but also specifically edited how the avatar looks on the user cards as well just because it looks so much nicer as a square vs circle when aligned with the name, and corp/alliance text. :blush:


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i was thinking of adding that functionality but also wanted to keep the option to toggle but havent come up with a settings panel or such…
also, @CCP_Avalon might integrate the entity information into the forum itself at some point in the near future so this script becomes obsolete :slight_smile:

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From what he said in one of the other threads is that evegate and that info won’t be integrated into the forums :frowning:

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Have downloaded you script and try to run it via Tampermonkey for Edge.
It just doesn’t work.

It does say something about the user account might be needed:
If I do a F12, all I get is a warning about a HTTP404: Not found: (XHR)GET - https://sea1.discourse-cdn.com/eveonline/stylesheets/categoy_background.scss

(Its a Danish machine but…)

Hope you can use it for something.

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  1. this is not my userscript, mine does not modify the portrait
  2. i dont have a windows at hand to test with edge atm, might test soon though
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i worked closely with him on this and he even modified the forums css for my userscript to work better, its definitely not a go but possible, until then, my script will provide this service :slight_smile:


I know the portrait thing is from @Erika_Mizune but even if I disable her /(his) script, I still cant get your script to show any info and the warning (first pic) is for your script. Just don’t know what to look for to find it.

Hope you get the time to look at it, as is greatly needed :worried:

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That’s nice to hear :relaxed: I love having a way to see corp/alliance info on here.

And @bbb2020 That error you posted is reference a CSS file that is not there for some reason (ie: click on the link and you get a error page where if it was there you’d see the stylesheet), so not sure on that one other than it’s not my script. As for the Edge, I do know that edge handles certain scripts differently though; this is only because I had a past client I was working with who would point issues on edge that weren’t happening in any other browser (didn’t have windows 10 at the time so I wasn’t seeing at all what he was seeing). Perhaps not what you want to do, but have you tried to see if it works in firefox or chrome? :worried:

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No. But I will when I get home.
Just use edge as my daily browser, as it intergrade perfect with my phone :iphone: :smile:

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