Jump into Pochven without consent

So I don’t like these “us”, every player is a person with feelings doing this for fun.
And I wonder who do you mean by “you”? You don’t know me and my EVE activity, do you really think people like me are mining all day?

I just don’t like dishonesty, so if there’s a bunch of catalysts shooting my Barge, I accept the defeat, it’s a honest fight, played by the rules, and I wasn’t vigilant enough. But if someone asks for help just to blackmail and shoot the helper, I first felt anger which soonly turned into pity - what a miserable way of coexistence do these people have in mind? They don’t even earn ISK that way. Anyway I still accept the defeat, but I have in mind that new players might not, and my concern is how to keep them in game as happy players (or in your words “content”).

BUT this thread is not about ganking! It’s about poorly balanced warning messages. Or does the OP “not get to decide what kind of content it becomes”?

This game does not hold your hand and doesn’t warn you that “this Autothysian Lancer will fight back, are you sure you want to shoot it?”.

EVE is very much about trial and error. You do things, figure out what works and what doesn’t without getting told exactly how you need to play by the game itself, because this is a sandbox game, not a streamlined themepark MMO where you are guided along the pre-determined path all through the world.

Yes, there is a lack of warning messages, but I like it that way.

Titans who accidentally jump instead of bridge. Ships that accidentally jump to the wrong beacon. People who accidentally fit an ECM burst on their Blockade runner and figure out they cannot ignore bubbles anymore.

Mistakes create content and fun.

But you have to make sure the lesson is understood. If all the new player understands is “you are worth a blackmail”, they feel they’ve lost something valuable and it won’t become better. After I destroyed my capsule in pochven I got an invite to chatgroup “why you were ganked”, but instead of tips or help they talk about “mining is bad”, as they just want to harvest some more salt.
That’s not a lesson, that’s bullying.

So in fact this is a sieve: If you can’t cope, get lost and play Happy Kitty instead.
This makes me cringe, is this how we welcome new players? Obviously we do.

Well, if I buy an “expensive” Web for 20k it does, that’s what I talk about.

Slight caveat but one iteration of the NPE had you (new player) fight a drifter hive and defeat these lancers (might even been called the same) with ease in a rookie corvette or something, so it was a bit unreasonable to then face the same or similar enemies in hisec but with infinitely greater combat potential, especially confusing and unreasonable in case of a new player.

Not a big deal or anything but also not something to be forgotten either.

Though this is just about this very specific situation not the subject of hand holding in general.

Just thought it’s worth mentioning.

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Expensive web for 20k ISK? What kind of webs do you buy that 20k is expensive? Aren’t the cheap T2 webs like 1m ISK already?

You are right, I had to change it to “expensive” (in speech marks).
There’s a warning if the price is much higher than the common market price, but this is calculated in percentual differences, so if a 5k item costs 20k, there’s a warning - but if a 5m item costs 6m there isn’t.
So there’s various warnings which are not really helpful, but make new players feel they will be warned if something dangerous is likely to happen.

“Us” is every player who plays EvE as it was intended, a dystopian sci-fi sandbox PvP game where it’s Everyone vs Everything. “You” is every player who thinks EvE isn’t a dystopian sci-fi sandbox PvP game where it’s Everyone vs Everything. The varied types of EvE react to certain events differently, so your posts tell me a lot about you. Do I think you sit around mining all day? That or missions all day. That’s what a lot of people in this game do, then they come cry on the forums demanding CCP change mechanics to suit them and them when things don’t go their way. I could elaborate further, but you’d get all indignant and start complainging that I’m insulting you for stating facts. So while I may not know you in particular, I know how you’re going to behave here, and by extension a hint on your EvE activity, based on how you post.

Then EvE is probably going to suck for you. Not everyone in EvE is dishonest or a liar, but we have entire industries centered around scamming, spying, and other deceitful activities. It’s a dystopian sci-fi themed spreadsheet simulator, not a utopian sci-fi themed spreadsheet simulator.

Oh, do please tell us what warning would have helped you in whatever even caused you to start this thread? Re-reading the original post, I find it less coherent than the US President during his debate last night. I mean, did you intentionally ignore the warning when you join a fleet that says you’re a valid target for fleet members? You can’t permanently dismiss that one, as it comes with every new fleet invite. As for the warning you’re in imminent danger, that warning is the yellow box that forms around a ship when it’s targeting you.

So? New players have to learn somewhere, and I’ve got 20 years of retail experience teaching me that idiots don’t read signs, no matter how many you put in front of them. That “Out of Order” sign is a suggestion, they’re going to sh*t in your toilet regardless, and complain to corporate when it overflows all over their shoes.

People actually do this? wow… ima try it…

Keep in mind that in the game, you’re going to run across some players who enjoy being dikkwads, simply because they can.

And in the forums, you’re going to run across some loudmouthed posers who apparently exist only to dump sneering disdain on any target available.

You can make all sorts of assumptions about what sort of person sees this type of behavior as an enjoyable pasttime. Or you can simply accept that some people play/post for fun, and some people play/post to cater to their odd personality defects.

RE: your OP, I personally disagree with the stance that “EVE should warn people before they do anything potentially dangerous”. You chose to join a fleet, you didn’t adequately safeguard, that’s on you. Because EVE has a few warning to help people recognize potential misclicks in common repeatable areas isn’t a promise that it will stop you from being foolhardy.

EVE should probably include in the NPE a more pointed “It’s a harsh galaxy, you will mistakes, you will explode, and you will learn from that. That’s what being a capsuleer is all about - the mistakes that would end anyone else, only make you stronger” lesson.

EVE isn’t about preventing mistakes. It’s about not making them twice.

Maybe CCP should return to advertising the game as what it is (supposed to be) instead of creating false impressions and expectations in players. :thinking:


Looks like very few people actually see my problem, for I’ve chosen a misleading header.

I play EVE for many years, don’t tell me what I’m gonna meet here, because despite all the dystopian wording there’s really a lot of great pals who tend to help and like to do some silly action like me. One must not rely on honesty, that’s right - and I didn’t. Just was surprised by the mechanics. And after some pondering I thought about the warning mechanics.

So my “Player Idea” in plain words:
Set sec to green - all settled (no teleporting, yay!) and you see many warnings.
Set sec to yellow - more danger - why not also switch off all the warnings?

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I like it.

Nice idea!

It’s one of those stupid rules that you don’t know about until you lose something to it.
That being said, I would not change it because it’s also a tradeoff between convenience of filament usage and security.

However, I would add an option in the settings, just like “refuse duels”, to “filament protection”, ticked ON by default, with an explanation that “When it’s off, and your safety is not green, you can be changed system by your fleet leader - setting it off is not recommended for beginners”.

People can be willing (and are encouraged to - when they understand the game) have safety not green, but the risks are not something a beginner can understand (too many checks).

Maybe also not protect people with safety red, since they accept to lose their ship. But this in turn would be more confusing.

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