I’ve always (mostly) flown in lowsec. And I remember back in the days when I flew in Khanid/Kor-Azor, we’d have NC. harassing us with supercap drops all the time. They were never very good at it, and they rarely caught us. Maybe one in five drops they would catch us. The embarrassing part for them, was, that they’d lose something (usually an expensive cyno ship) to us almost 8 out of 10 drops. The first one was a 2 billion isk cyno Pilgrim. It was hilarious.
So the small corp I was in (I think literally only about six of us) had some pocos there, and one had come under attack, and we were heading out to it. I was in a Scorpion loaded with ECM and neuts, and some other secrets. I was the biggest ship in our fleet, which meant I was the slowest, and I was lagging behind. At our last jump, a Pilgrim that had been tailing us waited for me to go through the gate, and came through with me. Everyone else had already warped off on the other side.
I knew he was going to grab me and drop supercaps, so I held cloak on the other side, I right clicked on a nearby planet, and hit ‘align to’ while I immediately started locking up the Pilgrim as soon as he appeared. But I didn’t jam him right away.
I waited. Until not one, but about half a dozen supercaps were on grid. Then I hit all my jams, broke point, and warped off, and everyone in local laughed at the dumb dumbs who just wasted all that fuel and jump fatigue timers on nothing.
When they jumped out, the Pilgrim was still on gate, on an active cyno, with no logi, just sitting there tanking sentries. So we went back and killed it. One carrier came back to try to save him but he was way too late.
Anyway, funny somewhat related story that I felt like telling. I’ll be off now. Moral of the story is, NC. are bad.