Kild by corp - Brave Newbies

i was first at my second site and got killed , was that right ? and at my first i oppend only 1 crate ( faild )

Uh, don’t ever pay your killer dude lol. Your killer was in the wrong if he was blue. And regardless of what you did, anything short of you shooting at him he will catch hell for killing you.

And @Sindara_T_Soni, yes, those rules apply to everyone. Being new to a corp varies between corps so I cant speak for them all. But awoxing is typically handled by the alliance and the corp will be told to kick the awoxer. As far as how they handle mistakes from a newbro it’s case by case. This person dind’t know better so he’d be told he was wrong and not to do it again. If it happens again then yes, he’d likely be kicked. If a newbro does something stupid like steal or scam an alliance member, or go around and kill afk ratter drones (it’s happened) then they’re kicked immediately. At least that’s how we handle newbros in my corp, but we typically don’t recruit idiots that would make those mistakes to begin with.

I honestly can’t think of a single alliance that allows awoxers to stay. In fact, I’ve seen entire corps kicked because they refused to kick an awoxer.

Wait … what??

Well that just got even weirder.

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He killed me for opening a chest so if isk he wants … i dont rly … i want funn

If it’s isk he wants he can run other cans or move to next system. If you had actually successfully taken the loot then the “proper” thing to do assuming you didnt’ see him would be to just eject the loot you got from the site (or send him the isk i guess) but you failed, nothing was gained by you and it was a mistake to begin with.

Just learn from this and go out and have fun. But seriously, report this to your diplo.

Unfortunately what happened was i scanned down 2 sites and he warped to me at 0 since we were on fleet and starting failing cans. a total of 8. I convo’d him and he ignored it. I asked him to stop in local and he didn’t. Asked our fcs and diplos what to do. he ignored convo with them. so they go ahead on the kill was given. thanks.

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i have print screens that u lie

how can i post jpeg here ?

First, you need to remove those pictures because ISD is just going to remove them anyway. Send them to a dipolo, but if the guy isn’t lying, then he had approval and that’s where it ends.

But I think this post is basically over at this point and needs to be taken out of the forums and handled internally.

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he is lying about contacting me , he answer wen he wanted … only + at the second site i was FIRST

Something smells like a troll…

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Those pictures don’t really prove much of anything. They could all very well be after the kill, for all we know. Also those tiny snippets of convo don’t allow for much of a context.

they have date in them and the kil report verify the dat

in properties

u want to shut me up … that is all . Change name from brave newbies to profesionals

Why do you want to be in this Corp exactly?

They’re lying about you, killing you, and taking your money just to top things off.


You warped in on a fleet member several times to steal his cans and then you failed them. You weren’t in comms. You were warned in convo, in fleet chat, and in local by the guy you were stealing the cans from.

Basically, he did a bad. We warned him. He didn’t respond. He wasn’t in comms. Deserved AWOX


You didn’t include the time in those pictures, which is all we have to judge by.

Perhaps take this up with your corp execs in private, and stop this apparently public shaming campaign?

Seems to me like that one was planned, considering his fit (literally no combat anything and definitely not explo fit) and the fact that Red Tear is a good guy who has been in Brave coms before, when he was in Co2, and everyone knows him.

You know the game time is in the bottom left hand corner, don’t you? :wink: