Kill mail removed from certain cases

Completely agree with the OP.

I have played this game on and off since 2007, with 2-3 year breaks. And every time I would login back I would see

a) more and bigger corps in null . I remember when a corp boasting just one titan was a godlike achievement now dudes have thousands just lying in stations collecting fust for srp. Got linked a screenshot of actually tens of thousands of dreads recently, like whats’ the point anymore at all even? Just politics and drama? Nothing has value when everybody has a gazillion of everything.

b) more and more high sec griefers who never bothered with actual pvp and instead choose to spend their time ruining the game for new players trying to get a hang of basic eve mechanics or high sec sites. like I get where it comes from, you make argument that you stop isk printing and whatever. But you really don’t, you are just griefing new and scared players.

I completely agree with scarcity, in fact i think it should be tuned even further, there simply is too much sitting in stations, blow it all up for all i care. People are scared to use their caps cause suddenly they loose more than they gain? F them, watch it all burn, there’s too much of it in the game anyway. And all the dudes playing rock paper scissors pvp in high sec jumping targets that have no chance to survive or escape or just fight back, they just need to find a new way to feel better about themselves imho. I genuinely don’t get it. It’s like lvl 70 char in wow camping noob quest location. Big WOoooP. Only the noob jumped just lost weeks of his progress and the 5 half drunk basement dwellers lost .0001% of what their corp has.

No wonder online is dropping so hard. The rich have so much that they have nothing to do in the game other than leave the game, sit in base talking to corp, or go kill some noobs for luls. And than you scream scarcity was bad, lmao scarcity x10 is exactly what this game needs to be alive. For things to matter when you fly them or loose them. It’s like with one argument you guys say you are helping the game by high sec ganking, but than on the other hand you are gigga crabbing yourself and only flying 10-15m ships for ganks. Like, do you not see the hypocricy? In this circle a new player suffers, and it’s the new players that keep online games alive, not the guy who should have been married and had kids by now.

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what a load of crap,leave as it is,wont make any difference

LOL. Couldn’t you just have created the typical thread complaining about ganking and asking for it to be nerfed? Did you also have to come up with this silly idea? As if CCP wanted to nerf suicide ganking but didn’t know how… :crazy_face:

ive only got a couple hundred titans :frowning:

ive been saving up though and have nearly a thousand dreads :upside_down_face:

Да проще зделали бы есть сектора которые для пвп 0-ниже вот там и бьютьса а если напал на секторе в пве 0выше то пусть тогда оплачивает штрав к примеру трилион в зависемости от того убил клона или нет! И все дело с концом даже конкорда не надо даже старые игроки задумаютьса и соответственно ни где не офишируетьса что он кого то там убил нет инфы есть штраф и дело с концом!

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Translation: “If someone ganks in Highsec, let them pay a trillion isk fine.”

Cionide Ashkatarich - You are spot on. I have been studying these behaviours and there are a large % of selfish abusive gankers that prey on the weak and unweary then gloat about how Zkillboard or some other juvenile crap. Many claim to be PVPers, what a farce!
I do not think they know what PvP means. Sneaking up on a T1 frigate with two battlecruisers or batleships or cloaked DPS dealers is NOT PvP.
The case made by experienced gankers has no balance, it is only self serving.
It is unrealistic to suggest that new players need to learn the massive amounts of data needed to compete AND have the resources to compete or don’t leave the station.
Gankers… you want your fun way of playing… go kill each other or at least attack a ship that can fight back. Let others play their way if they don’t want to fight you. It is by far the single highest driver of new player abandonment. Imagine yourself as a new player before you start abusing them please.
I routinely see handfulls of billion isk ships lurking in systems waiting for T1 unarmed freighters and frigates to jump into their systems.
This game takes years to learn and more years to get good at and get resources. The older players have an insurmountable advantage of knowledge and especially resources which new players will never be able to compete with.
The blame and credit lies with each individual for their behaviour.
The rules are set by CCP and they are to blame and take credit for all that happens in game. You cannot make the rules and then blame the players for using those rules to their advantage.
If you want the game to keep going the way it is then continue to listen to those that have the most, just as you have been doing. OR if you want the game to evolve and change then YOU (CCP) must make it happen regardless of the tantrums thrown by the juveniles.

I usually use three purple modded Marshals to DUNK t1 noob Ventures - lol!

Do you have any evidence that the “crumbling” player base is a direct result of ganking? I’m all for anything that improves the health of the game but I don’t see any proof of a direct correlation here.

Jarlath Dubhlaoich

Do you have any evidence that the “crumbling” player base is a direct result of ganking? I’m all for anything that improves the health of the game but I don’t see any proof of a direct correlation here.

Just word of mouth complaints, personal experience. Nothing concrete, but I encourage people to read the entire comment section for similar questions and answers. We came up with theories that the crumbling player base might be to graduates finding work instead of playing EVE, pandemic restrictions being lifted so people go outside more, and heat waves preventing gear from functioning.

how often do you meet/play with a person that has created their character in the last 5-10 months as opposed to how many people you play that have had characters created 5-10 years ago? Look around yourself for a minute and realize that this game has no future because it has no new players.

Our corp just recruited two new players and our indy wing usually gets a lot of new players in the public mining fleets so I’d say pretty often. As for older players, I’ve only met two recently. Maybe your experience is different and that’s the fatal flaw with anecdotal evidence. Maybe you’re right and the game has no future, but that still doesn’t mean it’s a direct result of ganking.

You realise they only appear on zkillboard if you have your api linked. So by default they are hidden anyway.

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zKillboard does NOT automatically get all killmails

zKillboard does not get all killmails automatically. CCP does not make killmails public. They must be provided by various means.

  • Someone manually posts the killmail.
  • A character has authorized zKillboard to retrieve their killmails.
  • A corporation director or CEO has authorized zKillboard to retrieve their corporation’s killmails.
  • War killmail (victim and final blow have a Concord sanctioned war with each other)

The killmail API works just like killmails do in game. The victim gets the killmail, and the person with the finalblow gets the killmail. Therefore, for zKillboard to be able to retrieve the killmail via API it must have the character or corporation API submitted for the victim or the person with the final blow. If an NPC gets the final blow, the last character to aggress to the victim will receive the killmail and credit for the final blow.

Remember, every PVP killmail has two sides, the victim and the aggressors. Victims often don’t want their killmails to be made public, however, the aggressors do.

Source: Faq | Information | zKillboard

Kylanti Hendar


You realise they only appear on zkillboard if you have your api linked. So by default they are hidden anyway.

Regardless, I believe it will be in the interest of EVE to remove certain kill mails.

If you died to an npc then only you or the sites you have given access to have the killmail.

If CCP decided to implement your idea on the condition that you prove ganking is killing the game, what would you tell them? Because right now all you have is your opinion and a few anecdotes. That’s salt, not evidence. Just because you don’t like a particular playstyle, doesn’t mean it’s killing the game. Gankers aren’t killing the game any more or less than risk averse carebears are.


I suspect that TS actually have suicide-ganking characters.

This will not reduce amount of ganking.
It will even made hisec more dangerous.

Some people use killboards to detect dangerous systems.

PS Long EVE experience made me paranoid a bit

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Killboards pull kills and losses from entities that they have tokens for. So any time a victim or their corp has provided a token to a killboard, their loss would be counted on a killboard.

Keep in mind that other than killmail generation and access, CCP has no control over how killboards operate.

They don’t even remove kill mail when they give you back your ship. I lost a Tengu due to Internet failure. They returned the ship to me. Gave me enough skill points to buy the lost skill. Hell, they even returned to me the loot that was already aboard the ship.

But they can’t remove the killmail. Seriously, if your killboard matters that much to you: be smart, don’t get ganked.