KIll Marks

I was wondering a few about the Kill Marks on ships. Its nice that we have them, its a great throw back to the days of air to air combat, but who are they there for exactly? Opposing pilots cant see them in a dog fight, and you can hardly see them in normal flying situations. You have to zoom in to see them, they are almost never in the same position across all ship types. What is really disappointing about the kill mark dynamic is that they disappear when the ship is destroyed so why bother having them at all.
Personally I think Kill Marks should be carried over to your next same make and model ship, like they do in the real world.
Example: WWII, a pilots kills marks were place below the cockpit window, we all know this.
However if the pilot lost his plane, his “Kill Marks” were placed on his new plane (if he survived).
The loss of his plane doesn’t remove his kills.
I am not suggesting those kill be on every ship you own, just the ships of the same make and model.
Also is it possible to place the kill marks near the perceived “Pilots Cockpit” instead of everywhere and anywhere all over the ship. as it is now they are never in the same place across all of the ships.
I mean since you introduced a real world metric can we make it somewhat the same?

kill marks don’t transfer because you didn’t smash all those ventures with the same catalyst.

They couldn’t put them in the same place every time because the “cockpit” isn’t the same on every ship.

The only exception is ships like Kestrel, manticore etc… they are the same position on both ships.
which i would assume, the raven and golem would be on the same position.

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In EVE kill marks are for the current hull.

While you can easily lose your ship and even lose your clone in EVE yet start all over again in a new clone and new ship, you cannot do so in real life. Real life comparisons therefore fall flat.

Even though you can easily buy hundreds of new ships to accumulate all the kill marks you wanted, losses mean little if there are no stakes.

If you want to get 100 kill marks in your ship, you better make sure that your ship doesn’t blow up if you want to keep those kill marks.

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ok so Kill Marks are taken from real life, this is established.
If you die in a bar your kill marks are still on your ship. tho you can’t fly it any longer, your record is still there. Also, an ACE in WWII can have his ship blown up and he can survive the battle. They will give him a new ship and put his kill marks back on it.
Now if you want to say Eve doesn’t do it like that, thats fine, but dont try to negate a real life metric
with whatever it you are thinking.
have a great day

Right, but if your plane is shot down, but you survive, do you get all new marks on your new plane? doubt it.

thats the picture you chose to use as an example, really??

absolutely I get the reason why they made it this way, I was just thinking if they are using a real world procedure they would at least make it like it is in the real world.
I mean what is the point of issuing the Kill Mark in the first place? We have the KB to keep actual track of kills.

Yes you do in fact, pilots who get 6 kills become an ACE, just because you lose your ship doesn’t mean you are not an Ace any longer. The kill marks belong to the Pilot, as well as the plane:
good watch

So i was doing some quick research, the marks belong to the planes not the pilots… WWII was an exception, but anymore, because planes have so many different pilots, the planes have the marks not. but if a plane is destroyed, the new one doesn’t get the marks because it didn’t do it.

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Yes I get that, I was going off of the WWII scenario.
If a pilot switches planes he takes his talley and his name with him.

Well in EVE kill marks are ship-bound.

I like it that way, it makes ships with kill marks more precious.


for sure. hey if Eve wants it that way this is there game for sure.

They’re for you and to add a little spice.

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