L4 Bounties not adjusted to difficulty?

I completely disagree with you, moving lvl4/lvl3 missions to low-sec would be detrimental to the game. High-sec has a great number of mission runners living in its space, people will not go too low just to get their ■■■■ blown up every time they want to do a lvl4/lvl3 mission. All it will do is alienate them and they will leave in droves. The game dies at that point, lvl 4 mission bounties are not that high, to make any significant iskies you have to use everything you find in the mission room. To be honest even with that attitude you don’t make that much.

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They have done the math, sub numbers will rise dramatically when you eliminate the risk free pve grinding.

Aha, “not easy being green?” Especially trollish green…

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That’s an Optimal idea! Twitching mission contest with live bidding?

USIA, is a service in game, we get paid to run missions to raise peoples standings.

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Is it true that High sec missions above L2 is moving to low sec?

Even hauling missions are pushing me to go thru low sec now

How long will it be b4 high sec will be nothing but space to get from low sec to other slums in the game?

Even rats know when its time to jump a sinking ship (equips rat gear and jumps)

Don’t think so, some serious trolling going on.

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missions used to have a maximum number of jumps
if there is low sec near more chance to lead you there
duno if they changed because there is a long time i don’t do lvl4

They did not.
They have a destination target : same system, next system, same constellation, next constelation.
Then there are other parameters to weight the systems.

Buzz Kill as a mission seems to be designed to mess with a mission runners groove. It is literally in the name. Every aspect of that mission is designed to undermine a person trying to run it like any other brain dead mission.

Likewise Burner Missions are very hard unless you know what you are doing, then they are only tricky. Once mastered Burner Missions can be insane ISK, just ask Hatless Gaming.

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i do not agree… the abyssal stuff is cool… but for me to get to jita… means I have to go through eden com and trig systems and id get ganked hard by one of them if i took a side.

I think PvE runners don’t respect Events enough as a showcase of different PvE situations and the new improved AI in more broad PvE challenges. I have a lot of fun and they are quite rewarding. The issue is challenges like Emerging Conduits will eventually get botted. Events are the perfect solution where the basic formula is changed up just enough that a human can learn and adjust, but is gone before the bots take over.


but they come out fast now days… I knew one guy that ran over 50 bots…

i came so close to scamming him…

but all his accounts got banned twice.

In my case you would be correct, I have no skin in CCP’s events give them a wide berth. Abyssal content from time to time but that’s about it.

Poor you. Get wrecked, I’d say, if you support trigs.

Furthermore, “cool” is not the same as “good”, at least not to people with half a braincell. Good is varied content that you cannot farm easily with just a Gila or a frigate day in/day out for 500m+ in rewards per hour from the same system without necessity for travel and that even demands special rules from the developer for parts of the content. That is “cool” but so far removed from “good” that even the universe itself doesn’t offer enough distance to measure it.

Good is content that you can enjoy playing regardless of the reward, and not get bored of.

The limited nature of how combat and interaction with environment and its denizens works in EvE, ESPECIALLY PvE combat, is at odds with it being good.

This. There is always another hull to try. Is it fun to fly? Is it efficient? Is it looks good? How is the tank? Speed? HICtor?

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Fair point.

Hmm you know, maybe I should create one of those “goals” the kids try to make “gains” on these days.

Pick a mission and see what the least optimised ship I can do it in is.

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I do this occasionally. Or just run it in a ship that I know can’t handle it, but I just want to see how far I can get with it. (Usually means I can take out everything but the battleships in a L4, with a non-faction, non-advanced, cruiser, assuming I don’t get popped.) It can be fun managing speed, transversal, and all of that.


Its been a while but I reckon I still remember the basics of how to do a pew.

I shall look into this

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