L4 Missions Need Rewards+

Timecodes where the plex back then, you bought them through the main website and sold them in a special forum section - then through the account page. It was a prolific then as plex is now.

Hey! Didn’t know there was a 3 reply max per thread, guess I don’t spam enough to have found out sooner… :blush:

I can see your perspective in about everything but this part. You quoted something I said, but I don’t see what problem I was missing, and I’d like to try to understand your viewpoint.

I think there is something I should add here, and which I have been mulling over. The theory of the paradox that EVE is a PvP game at heart, but PvE is it’s foundation. This ground has probably already been trod over many times in these forums, but I still find that pretty fascinating.

PvE is found in every space - WH, null, low, high. All relevant isk is minted from npc sources. Even when a player buys isk with money through PLEX, that isk is just recirculated isk whose source originated from some previous npc. So npc’s are the foundation of EVE’s economy, which itself can be a source of PvP.

With that said, and to try to keep it short, although PvE is important to the game, “Mostly PvErs” should still try to play the game as intended. If you’ve ever seen the movie The Seven Samurai, you see that farmers are also disrespected, even though they should be revered as a valuable resource, as civilization would not exist without them. But this being a game, farmers should be crafty just like in the movie, either be cunning and keep a low profile, or hire, or become, your own samurai and make new stories.

Absolutely; MMO design: give players reasons and ways to interact; stories emerge from this.

Players can exhaust developer authored content (such as the current mission system) faster than new content can be designed. (Nonetheless, I used to enjoy doing some of that, its part of the backstory and economy - it deserves an overhaul.)

The most common highsec PvP victim story is something like “I was surprised, and lost my ship.” Not interesting as a story from either side, and some victims are known to quit the game in frustration. (Is that risk worth the potential player-story reward, from a developer perspective?) Non-consensual PvP doesn’t always telegraph itself, the “unexpected” and therefore more interesting story, can come from the rare cases where a victim can explain how they avoided or escaped an encounter. The attacker also has a story in this case.

Any nerf to make ganking more challenging, could be viewed as CCP attempting to make possible more of those much more interesting stories: “almost got me / almost got the target.”

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You’re right, of course, that there needs to be people who shoot NPCs. PvPers shoot NPCs too. That’s not the issue. The issues start when there’s an unbalance towards extremism on either side, which is happening now.

Sadly, the modern and or casual player is all about fun, not satisfaction. The vast majority of players nowadays are literally easily manipulated drug addicts, just that no one dares pointing out that it’s actually the case.

If that wasn’t the case, the whole industry wouldn’t continuously try finding new ways of milking them, wouldn’t put emphasis on individuality, fun and quick rewards.

CCP is definitely not going to care about satisfaction as long as it’s legal to abuse the addicts out of their money. This game is ■■■■■■.

It’s scary, really, and it’s going to haunt us all eventually.



Mutaplasmids, RNG loot boxes (‘Agency Support Drop’ could give a booster from level 1-3)- “OMG I just scored something amazing.”

What is extremism and what is unbalance ? When you don’t like it anymore ?

Here, have a nice more bucket of bittervet nonsensical salty tears.
Players play a game because it’s fun for them. YOUR appreciation of their fun is irrelevant.

I don’t like the new “gamble” of mutaplasmids, but if it’s too annoying for me, I will leave the game. And let people who are more interested in it enjoy those new feature.
Is it bad/sad ? Nope, it’s life. The game must adapt or die, and if you don’t adapt with it, your gameplay will die. Complaining how “it was better before” is just allowing you to get an excuse to not adapt. Yes, many things were better before. And many things were worse. It’s a package.

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Although market forces and recent events may be influencing some of CCP’s decisions unfortunately, there may be some evidence that CCP is trying to hold to their original vision. Like this Trig invasion doesn’t seem to be a total giveaway at least, judging by the threads about ninja salvaging. Maybe…

But it seems like CCP mostly relies on the community to get new players on board to find satisfaction and storytelling in the game. They seem to mostly stay silent on a lot of this, but they may have their reasons for doing so. Converting players from shallow gaming will be an unending quest, but judging by a lot of forum posts, at least you don’t seem to be alone in that endeavor.

I think someone is missing the point made, your talking of 800m ships 1b + that’s ok for farming in some “safe” system or farming burner missions rejecting every other one, I see in chat “these take too long” “can someone help with a mission” when your pimping out your ship, and have spent probably 1 - 1.5b and pick your missions, your not running mission like most people.

200m an hour might be possible, please post the video and I would love to see it, running in any mission hub you will see 2-3 “suspects” at least, people who make a full time commitment to scan and either goad or steal the mission item, in an effort to flag you for pvp (they rarely ever don’t not have some back-up) running missions endlessly to generate this 200m per hr 1 - 1.5b ship is going to have issues unless your in some safe protected system.

Reminds me of Tiller when he ran missions to get some funds, he probably caused more upset for anyone in system wondering if he was going to gank them or run a mission.

Proof ?

no time for this.
also it’s not 200M an hour. I can do that easily if I have luck. The interesting data is average value over >10h of farming, including ammos, ganks, failures.

I seen people claim silly figures for LP conversion which they then add to the mission reward total, with the exception of sisters items, whatever implant you get will either sit waiting to be sold (months) or be undercut so quick by the same mission runners trying to convert LP the items become worth a fraction of whats spoken, with the exception of a few burner mission (most require a pretty pimp’d out fit to complete)

The Proof you require is easily found just look at your favourite killboard and you will see plenty of bling being killed mission running, my figure is rather low, the average is trying to run in meta gear or T2 those are the ones I refer to, from what I have seen you have to be in low sec (safe space ie your backyard where your known) to get the best reward LP wise, and to have less interuptions, please show me, the last time I saw someone really working missions was GreenGimp, that’s a while back, Tiller and I think Cropper and a few others I knew at the time.

Low risk = low reward I guess

Well that is sort what this post was inferring the low reward part, as many have pointed out the rewards have not changed for years, but inflation has made the reward seem under value.
Mission running is where a lot of people fund their PVP and exploring, but I guess now its CCP driven goal to make buying PLEX a way to fund the playstyle, sadly a few here just want to brag how they earn 200m per hr and its easy street running missions, I still see in chat people who have the standing to run level 4 missions, but are still struggling to finish as they think once they start 200m an hour is going to be filling their wallet.
Unlike some safe null system where you can run havens all day, the average mission runner is not earing anything like that, but EVE as ever is full of “Get out of high sec” “your not trying” I have only ever seen one person back that up and show his ticks, they did show he was getting fantastic rewards, but was targeted and ganked but that was years ago, lots say how easy it is, but never show any proof.

I’ll probably get some smart a** who lives in a backwater system, controlled by his corp, who will say 200m an hour is easy and they could get 400m without breaking a sweat.

source ?

source ?

Lots of people show theirs. Including people doing them on stream. It’s just considered bad manners to show one’s tick in public. Also people may laugh at you saying you have very little tick. Or that you don’t have balls.

probably you can also find clever people who don’t need all of that.
BTW 400M/h is ± correct, but not really that much.


5 to 20 mil per mission for l.p. is however not a silly figure. And even doing full completes because you aren’t a 5 billion mach fit running the potency 75 booster, you can turn 3 an hour with decent t2 fits.
So add that to mission rewards and bounties and you are at a comparable figure to (old) vni ratting.
Yes you are risking more of course, but how do you measure risk in Apple’s vs risk in oranges .

I dont see how that some how makes HS mission running difficult, sorry.


1200 isk/lp direct order
14k LP per burner

=> 16.8M worth per burner. add 10M reward, multiply by ten => 268M/h. with conservative values.

It’s not big tick science.

Yes yes. Because everyone runs burners. We’ve already established long ago that we are not discussing the perfect burner mission chain runner here. Any more than we are comparing to titan ratting rates.

Indeed we are not.

FFS you have no data to back your claims.
10 burners/h is low.
1200 isk/lp is low.

and that’s without the loot.

What a nonsense.
If you don’t aim at burner, then you don’t aim at money.
Yes it requires high skills to be effective. Much less than super rating however.
Yes it requires money to do it. Much less than super ratting however.

If you don’t want to do the more interesting missions, then it’s very likely the issue is you.

Well, burners are not the only missions worth isk… but it is either burners or tag farming. And in the second case you are talking about being hated by 2 empires :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, then bad news for them - you HAVE to pick your missions if you want isk. Otherwise stfu and don’t complain. They take too long to do? Then you either lack dps or application - or both. Also my ship is not pimped out - it is just a dumb ham fitted loki with 3x faction ballistic control system - and only cause I can’t be arsed to plug +4% cpu implant (and why use one faction low when I can use 3…)

200M hour in my case is pretty much just the loot - isk from agent and lp may push it to 240M but I don’t care. Truth is that it is easy to end up with 100M+/h running l4s in hisec - a bit of brain to optimize your mission running a little bit and bam, 100M+/h.

Sure I see suspects all the time… so what? They gonna come early? Better they are ready to tank 2K+ dps from rats. They come when I am finishing? I just grab mtu and tags from it…

Well, I am yet to lose my loki. I mission run in 0.5 systems… and in case of loss - big deal, already paid for itself, multiple times over.

I don’t do SOE missions. I get over 1.3K /lp to direct buy orders.

What are bounties? None of the npcs I shoot have bounties…