I am hoping to provide not only weight training, but hand-to-hand combat equipment as well as drones and holo emitters so capsuleers can program in their own scenarios!
Always you lot want to fight each other. Even in places for dancing and talking and having nice drinks and so on, you want to fight. What is wrong with you? Fu fu, people are RIGHT NOW so much stampeding and jumping over each other to come tell me “we are capsuleers, that is what we do” and make snide remarks about human urges and such, and I do not care. I don’t.
Fighting. Ooooh. Go do it in space and let people rotty dance.
But isn’t it fine if both parties agrees to this show of martial art. A good show of skills is both a fine way to get to know one another and to have fun… and some would say a good display of skills is a dance…
But… I can a agree that we should keep the fight to the death to space… it have no place in a place of dance and relaxation.
Ms. Qerl, very respectfully, there’s kind of a lot of difference between fighting in space and hand to hand. And while the Lamp’s training rooms have been lovely, I’m kind of out of people interested in sparring that I haven’t already sparred with, or taken lessons from, or even taught.
Depending on how it’s set up, even dueling need not involve live steel. And I also have to admit that watching Teacher knock people around the mat would be kind of a lot of fun.
Well I have to agree with Qerl on this one. It’s a bloody club, and not one of those fight ones either.
But whatever, it’s up to the owner to allow whatever they want to allow at their venue.