L'Amore Renovations!

And just pointing this out, since you like to make fun of people. My mother was a freed Thukker. Freed by my Caldary father. Amarrians enslave Mitari. They believe in “God”, to which the antagonists are demons. Hence “DeMoN”…and ever seen a missile fly through space? Looks like a spike flying towards a target, IE DeMoNSpiKe. I was given a name at birth and used it in the academy…but now I fly with thukker, and I don’t need that name anymore. These people are my home, not the greedy Caldarians and their factories and elitists. I don’t serve the lines anymore, I hunt Amarrians now…

A pretty petty presumptuous insinuation…but I have been excused by the lady…so off I go…good day to you too Ms. Raske…

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Well, should you ever decide to visit, please know my venue is neutral, so appropriate behavior would be expected.

Lady Raske-Vadam is my title, actually. Titular head of House Deritan and married to an Amarrian Templar.

It would be best not to hunt Amarrians in my venue…


Oh yes, the poor victim narrative Mr SpiKe. Did your mother teach you to come to businesses public announcements and berate them for your humour? No? Then don’t pull out that card, it just makes you look whiney.


Please could we just let go of the usual IGS arguing for one thread? This is supposed to be suggestions for ideas to make the L’Amore space better for all. The only whine I’m interested in should be a) red, in a large glass and b) without the ‘h’


My apologies you are right.

I for one am looking forward to some spa time to relax and unwind.


No, it’s actually an announcement of the renovations I’m doing to make my establishment better. Thank you for your kind words, though.


What are you even talking about?
a)We’re her target clientele.
b)We’re richer than some planets.


Well if there is to be a grand opening of the new sections I guess I will need to meet with a certain designer for a new gown.

Also sounds like the perfect way to return to space.

I promise to be on my best behavior Lasa.

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So sex then? Although, that can involve fighting too.

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That’s what the suites are for!


I’m serious. Do none of you ever fish? Make pots? Write?

I am not saying L’Amore should have places for all these things, mind you. That would be silly. L’Amore is already a nice place.

I swear, though. I do. This is why everyone says capsuleers are insane. Fu fu death, fu fu sex, fu fu isk. The pod doesn’t turn you into a hungry toddler with rude parts that work. Neither do the training academies! That is all you! It’s so embarrassing.


The Capsuleer selection process is wellknown for its biases (tragic backstory, likely horrific loss of relatives, psychopathy, obsessive personality, unbending prejudices, substance abuse, fetishistic behaviors especially concerning sex and bodymoding, etc.).

It’s miraculous that any normal personalities make it into a pod at all.


Times like this I am glad I am perfectly normal.


For my part- I also got as far as ‘training gym’ and was sold on the idea. Been far too long since I practiced combat sports. Perhaps I should finish rewiring my old practice combat blade… (for detection of movement and registering of hits only, I must reassure!)


In any case, since once you get inside a pod you relinquish your human life to become a being of pure information, I’d say that the definition of “normal” greatly changes when you become a capsuleer.

Also, I feel the suggestion we would enjoy sports offensive! We are CAPSULEERS. Leave those trivialities to the mortal peasants (or, as I like to call them, meat popsicles). Maybe it will give them a bit of solace before one of us steps on them like ants.

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I framed this on my wall, just so you know.


Well … sure. A lot of what I write turns up here. I even try poetry sometimes. Also, I read, garden, and hike. I really love exploring new places.

But, also, I’m the Directrix’s bodyguard as well as her aide, and can’t really depend on sheer strength unless I’m willing to inhabit a body much, much larger than the one I’m used to. But moving well, and precisely, takes a lot of practice.

Also, I’m still a “Crystal” sect practitioner, and as neat as the pod is for certain of the purposes behind physical training (learning to treat body and weapon as a single instrument is a lot easier when you can just jack in and poof you’re a starship), that … um.

It kind of feels like cheating, to me? … maybe I’m just a little old fashioned that way. Or, well, also, I don’t feel like getting too used to such a powerful feeling is maybe very good for me. Stuff looks a little different to a knife weighing less than a kilogram than it does to a million kilos of armored hardware loaded with hull-burning laser cannons or “small” nuclear warheads. (And that’s on the small side, ship-wise.)

And … well. Then there’s also nothing that reminds you you’re alive quite like being out of breath, a bit battered, and trying to get out of the way of some large person swinging a cleaver at you? Sure we have backup clones and really kind of amazing medical tech, but, well, that kind of thing’s been one of the more, er … vivid? … bits of human experience going back maybe as long as there have been people.

Along, I guess, with sex and power (of which ISK is a subset). So … well. I guess as a class we’re often kind of mixed up in not-very-subtle human things?


I have to very strongly agree. We are the most human that any humans have ever been. Humanity without restriction. A visage made only of what we will to the surface.

Petty, not pretty.

I also think we’ve very rudely hijacked this thread from its delightful hostess. I am partly at fault. Maybe 10%.


It’s been said, among certain circles, that the intimacy of violence is proportional to the proximity you share with your opponent. Having seen this particular truth, first hand, I’d have to agree with your sentiment about the difference between knives and warships.

The comparison doesn’t even need to be that extreme, really. Even between small arms and hand to hand, the sensation is notably altered.

It doesn’t surprise me that it would be you who acknowledges that, among those who gather here.

That said, sorry Miss Raske, for contributing to a tangent. Might drop in sometime, and I promise I’ll behave.


My hobbies include theoretical warp physics and tearing down and rebuilding extremely high-volume climate control and ventilation systems. They also tend to involve avoiding 99.9999% of all capsuleers, because of judgmental pricks like yourself. None of those are things I want to do when I go out to a public venue to engage in recreational social activities.

Making pots is not a social activity.
Writing is not a social activity.
Fishing I suppose could be, but it’s more something you do while being social and drinking, when you just happen to be near someplace with fish and no annoying restaurant owners who’ll yell at you for dropping a hook into their fish tank.

Nobody’s saying L’Amore isn’t a nice place. Lasa announced she wanted to add some stuff on. People speculated about how they could conduct social activities within those additions. Why is it so offensive to you that someone would say ‘oh, there’s a training area? Can I use it to do [specific kind of physical training]?’ rather than ‘Oh, really? A physical training area? Can I use it to do pottery?’