Lancers are killing unsuspecting pilots

Being irresponsible?

Maintaining a successful MMO with loyal players…


1: Lancers have been in the game for a while now. They are a known quantity. If you’re a returning player and can’t be bothered to read up on changes to the game while you’ve been away, then you kind of deserve what you get.
2: Crilere to Ambeke is a gate regularly used by jump freighters heading to Jita. Much like the Ignoitten to Iyen-Oursta gate.
3: Crilere and Rancer is a known ganking hotspot. Has been for over 20 years.
4: The pilot in that killmail isn’t a new player. They’ve been around since 2010.

I fail to see what you’re complaining about.

Let’s just put every known EVE game mechanic into a CCP-produced video. Ganking, bumping, Lancer Dreads, hole rolling, drag mining, among many, many others. Sure, you’ll have to watch a 14-hour long video before you can start playing, but you also won’t be able to say you weren’t warned or didn’t know about a certain game mechanic…

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Nobody cares about some stupid jump freighter.

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I guess part of the fun is players that dont know they exist. It makes big losses more likely.

Wonder if they knew.

Ganked in Jita not long after :slight_smile:

Lets end the thread here.

They probably knew, took the risk and got outplayed.

After all, I also lose many ships even though ‘I know’ about the existence of the enemy ships. Ship loss is not directly linked to a lack of knowledge, there are many more reasons to lose ships.

Those losses you linked are not of people who just returned to the game, those are players who have been playing for the past few years. And they’ve got jump freighters. Surely they knew about Lancers and knew the risks of flying a jump freighter.

And if they didn’t - now they know! Problem solved.

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FTFY :wink:


i see only one thats irresponsible, which is the one flying a defenceless ship trough a gate,
but i’m pretty sure you know about that already sine you did not say anything about the circumstances on how this actually happend.

so all we can do is guess,

you either undockeded, and warp to the gate, so eveyone that know how to use d-scan in the system saw you doing that, warped to the gate and got stopped
that happens now and 15 years ago.

or you cyno in the system, and warped directly to the gate which again, is a irresponible as everyone in the game (literally) knows that you are doing it.

additionally your ship was fit with cargo extenders which massively reduces your tank.
in a system that has like 1000 jumps per day, that is the IRL equivalent of trying to run nacked into a shopping mall without being seen :wink:

Lancer or not, you would be dead either way, without the lancer it would just have taken a minute or two longer, but the end result is the same.

so with all that, i do not really understand what this has to do with CCP, Lancers or changes in the game.

I absolutely believe you were unsuspecting.

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He said he didn’t know about dread lance until today

Well then he learned something new!

I remember when I first learned what ‘bubbles’ are. EVE is full of dangers.

I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Everyone else knew, so it really sounds like CCP did explain it adequately.

Eve is a social game: if you have no friends and don’t talk to anyone you are missing out on the knowledge everyone else can mix and match.

@Gerard_Amatin Not sure your first adventure in null compares to this :slight_smile:

@Phantomite You are right. Even if CCP tried their hardest some people wouldn’t get the message because of for example language barriers, but ignoring that, there seems to be no perfect way to alert everyone who might be affected by a major rule change. But there has to be a better way than a blog post which dont even mention the potential for “abuse”. New Lancer Dreadnoughts | EVE Online

I agree it doesn’t fully compare.

The part that does compare is that nobody knows all EVE mechanics until they learn about it one way or another.

These veteran jump freighter pilots could have asked the simple question “what dangers do I face when flying a jump freighter nowadays” and people would have told them.

It’s not like lancers came out last week, they’ve been in the game for two years now.

I know I did some research before I bought and undocked a jump freighter and I would assume other sensible players do too; I wouldn’t fly a multi-billion ship without knowing the most common ways to get caught.

But if they don’t want to ask or read, they can learn by doing.

You make it sound like CCP is at fault if a player dies due to a lack of knowledge.

I see nothing wrong with that loss. CCP has no obligation to provide us the user manual for this game. They should provide a balanced game and it’s up to players to explore interactions and strategies.

(Also content and destruction in the form of ships dying is healthy for the game.)

This is not necessarily true but its offtopic

Yea, it was more of a bonus remark, hence the parentheses.

Any opinion about the rest of that post?

I think we pretty much covered everything

But there has to be a better way than a blog post which dont even mention the potential for “abuse”.

Can you explain what the lancer did that you consider to be “abuse”?