Lasting black screen before character selection

After clicking my account’s respective button, the client appears to be logging in processing data, followed by a black screen. The client hovers at around 1%-5% cpu usage but shows nothing. It worked fine just an hour before.


The character selection screen finally appeared. I’ve clicked my character and after at least one second the client finally registered the click. Aura declared I’m “connecting” and now I am sitting at a black screen again.

From the looks of it, my client is downloading data only really, really slowly, which would explain the Black Out, but disagrees with my assumption.

After another minute I’m finally logged into the game. Data is apparently coming in at a crawling rate. My market window is mostly black and my wallet does not even appear.

After clicking my QuickBar and selecting an item, it is currently “Fetching Orders”, again indicating that there is some sort of bandwidth or networking problem. The first minute of “Fetching Orders” has roughly passed by now.

After another minute I’ve decided to close the client, which does not react to me clicking the X. Now I’ve gotten “Connection lost”.

After me now using a different connection with different ISP, it appears that the game is working fine and the problem was on my side.

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