Launcher stucks

no scrolling in the character frame is possible until you resize the window.
This is f*cking embarassing CCP.

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It is? If so, how furious are you after experiencing a bug where no workaround is possible? Will someone need to apply medication to you?

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Yes launcher sometimes freezes. Minimalizing and bringing it back usually works to quickly workaround it. Still very annoying. Possibly related to very high account count.

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im not furious, I’m just a little agitated by a long standing company that apparently runs no QA for its main product Eve Online. Yes, workarounds work but such blatant flaws should not be able to pass a halfway competent test department.

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when is this being fixed? Its f******* annoying!!!

Never heard of that issue and i also cannot reproduce. Maybe someone else can report if they can reproduce it? Otherwise it might be something special with your setup.

this needs to be fixed.

this sh*t is outrageous

the need to constantly resize your crappy launcher in order to USE it IS RIDICULOUS!!! FIX IT!

still not fixed.

just like this bug, still not fixed to this day: Version 21.06 - Havoc - General Feedback - #115 by Lea_Ramiro

fix it.

fix it

I agree it does… oh there is a “T” in the title.

I have been apposed to this game and other online games insisting on the use of launchers. This is needless for Eve online, I kill the launcher once the client starts running. I won’t bother presenting my solution for replacing the launcher, since it will fall on deaf ears. It is very obvious CCP wants to use a broken tools.

I realize this doesn’t help much, but if it freezes again, kill the launcher ( task manager, if need be ) and restart it. The client should remain up and running during the restart procedure.

Fly safe o7

I mean its neat I don’t have to enter the credentials every time I wanna start a client. But this comes at a heavy price of dealing with a broken, buggy, absolutely disgraceful piece of software they call a “launcher”, that has its own issues all the time.

I posted a simple solution here back on March 29th. In my opinion, security is the end user’s issue and not so much the game company. I understand people want to feel safe or think security is fool proof. However there is always a fool proving them wrong. If you layer too much security, then it become a chore just to access the game, then no one wants to play because of the security mini game on the pointless front end. This is why I would allow the end user to decide on the level of security they desire. For example; I would choose none for myself, as my PC is not public access, has to be logged into with a bio-metric password already, and is located in a locked room within my house. I wish they would use a better method, but as the saying goes, If wishes were horses, the poor would ride for free.

CCP is not fixing the bugs. Other than bugs preventing to login to game lol.

Check this thread, all these bugs are still there.

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fix it

fix it.

fix it.