I’ve already submitted a ticket for this and thought I would try here too.
Due to a motherboard failure, I had to rebuild my main gaming computer and install win10 on it (my first real experience with win10). After installing all the updates (and there were a lot), I tested things and it all worked fine. That included installing and running eve. Now fast forward a few months (I don’t play eve often) and I try to launch eve and all I get is a big black rectangle. Also, the little eve tab in the task bar says Not Responding. I try several things to fix it…uninstall/reinstall, deleting the EvE folders in both the Document folders and in the Local appdata folder, using the Run as Administrator, using the built-in windows compatibility troubleshooter…but no joy. I’m out of ideas.
Because I had not ran eve for awhile, I can’t say if there was a windows update that broke eve, or an eve update that broke eve.
My present windows is version 1909, build 18363.535.
This could be a bit disastrous. My other gaming computer, which uses win7, runs eve just fine. But with win7 support running out in less than a month, I already have plans to update that rig to win10 as well. Oops.
Any reasonable suggestions would be appreciated.