So if you’re not in the parts of Australia that are on fire, why not consider dropping into our public channel for a chat if you’re interested in joining up.
Been busy tonight doing “things” with the alliance, so while we’re waiting for DT to end and the patch to drop, why not consider us for your AUTZ needs.
Kookaburra Academy, L0G0F’s training corporation, is actively recruiting new pilots! If you’re still new to the game and want to learn from an experienced team, drop in to the Kookaburra Public channel in-game, or message Sobine.
An early bump tonight as I seemingly have energy to burn.
Given the ongoing, and possibly never ending, chat server issues, you may not be able to join our wonderful and engaging public channel. That would hinder your journey on the highway of bliss that is membership in the League 0f Grumpy 0ld Farts.
If this is so then direct mail Talon Khar for a chat or more information. Alternatively, should you feel some sort of direct connection with me, and I’d strenuously suggest that’s an incredibly bad idea, you could mail me directly.